Looking for advice for adding to a stack


Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Question, was wondering thoughts on adding EQ to a test/primo cycle. Trying to add a bit of size.
Thank you in advance
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I would add a 19nor to that stack. EQ likely won’t add too much size unless you’re in a serious caloric excess. Maybe Tren Ace or NPP would be a better alternative.
Nandrolone Phenyl Proprionate. Without getting too fancy, Deca is Nandrolone Decanoate so they are both Nandrolone, just with different esters. The NPP is a faster acting ester with a much shorter half life. Most find that they can get very similar or the same results as Deca without all of the excess water retention and bloating of Deca.

If you already have Tren E though, that’s a very viable substitute. I don’t know how long you’ve been running the Test/Primo though. If you just started then the Tren E would be great. If you’re already a few weeks in, the faster esters of either Tren Ace or NPP would be the better choice to get them caught up and stable in your system.
Ok thank you for the advise. I’ve been running for about 6 weeks now. So I’ll try and grab some tren a Asap. Domestic sponsors carry that?
For NPP how much and for how long? Never used this before
You could easily run 350mg to 400mg a week and see borderline amazing results with the right diet and program. You’ll need to pin EOD or E3D max. You could run it for 8 weeks no problem as long as you don’t succumb to progestin sides from 19nors too bad.
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I like EQ myself but maybe you know something I don’t about it because I’ve never been able to put on too much size with it. Great strength and vascularity along with some BP issue lol.
I’ve always ran it even during offseason. Except for this offseason I’m only use test, food and hard lifting and I’m liking the results.