Looking for some guidance family


The Swollest
So I was recently going to start my test and tren cycle but of course I sold that to my gym partner haha but honestly was wanting some feedback on a deca and sustanon stack? I was thinking of thinking of trying deca for strength and joints. Never have tried it so figured would ask y’all?

Was going to run Sustanon, deca, Dbol kicker, with some Proviron. But what about my anti e? I have adex on hand. I also have test e on hand. Any feedback to this guy would be appreciated. Thanks
Didn’t you say on another post you were worried about deca dick? I know in my experience I can run deca alone with no ED sides at all but I have friends who can take one shot and have problems for a month. If that’s your worry you may want to start out with a short esther like npp just in case you get bad sides you can back out and recover quicker. That’s what I would do anyways
Damn right I am. But I have cialis. Just don’t want to rely on a drug for a damn hard on.

I have never really had sides from any gear honestly minus hot flashes on tren at night. Just was thinking if I did smaller doses of deca like 1cc sustanon 1cc Test e and .5 on deca and slowly adjust that might be ok and ease my mind.
I think most people don’t get that side I think it’s more rare. I only know a couple people. And I can’t imagine having ED while taking proviron lol