Made a tool today - dedicated bent over row weight


Well-known member
So I have access to alot of free industrial materials through a friend, so I had them make me a dedicated bent over row bar, cost$3.

While it may not be cool, or flashy, i enjoy the heck out of this thing. The centerpiece is solid steel and weighs in at 130lbs without the handles.

Who else has that home made equipment?
I’ve made a box jump out of wood with three different heights all in one and parallel bars (parrallettes?) out of PVC before, but this is beast.
Thats cool, Ive thought about pylo boxes alot, just never have gotten around to making them.

My favorite made set, are my dumbells. 15s, 25s, and 40s. They look really cool.
Oh forgot about my line of pull up bars I made for my old garage a buddy and I used to do crossfit in. That was fun, and everything I’ve built is hella cheaper than the other guys.

What did you make the dumbbells out of?
Until i Had those, I never had used a bar of any sort that wasnt knurled(the grip cross pattern). And let me just say, smooth bars are better!
My next project will be a seated *calf raise. Im going to do a rough design out of wood, then have it made out of metal.

Correction, seated calf raise not leg press.
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Do you wear gloves when using these? i get you on the knurls. they can tear your hands up.
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Meant, seated calf raise.

In regards to gloves no. Believe it or not, the knurl is only helpful/necessary with motions that start below the hip and end at or above hip level (dead lift, clean and jerk etc. On most other exercises, their need is negligible.
Yeah I can attest to that all too well. Crossfit tore the hell out of my hands. I’ve been wearing gloves for about 4 months and I feel like I’ve gotten soft. didn’t wear any the last two workouts and my hands are whiny bitches.