@NeuroRN here is your quote I asked about before. I thought it would look cool
On a tshirt so I made a design. I didn’t actually make it nor would I without your permission but I just thought it would be cool to see how it looks.
Mannnn that use whatever you want! I probably just picked that up along the way. I’m not wise enough to have come up with that on my own. Make it if you want it!
My gf was crying the other night cauae she said I was attacking her bout weight loss. I never told her yo lose
Weight. I said Hmong she feels self conscience and gets offended about somebody talking about fat people make a change. If you don’t like something change it if you can if you can’t
Don’t worry about it is my way of thinking. She was all upset cause she has pcos which makes it difficult to lose weight. I said eat less move more untill it comes off. Today we
Went to work site she staffs and she told me her favorite McDonald’s constantly orders JJ for lunch get snacks from qt. I told her well cut that shot out and I bet weight would fall right off.
I’m wrong all the time. But I see him as credited. I’m sure others have Said it. I know the team guys have a close saying that sticks with me.
“ Get comfortable with being uncomfortable “.
Meaning you gotta do what you normally would not do to get it done.
Get comfortable with being comfortable. That constantly changes I get comfortable Andretti I up my game usually within a month. Gotta stay on your toes for that one. Now your putting Thomas J and @NeuroRN in the same sentence together whoa!!!
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