My next cycle


New member
Im looking at running some igflr3 with just some test e at 500mgs split and some Proviron to help free up the test. I will also be using aromasin as my ai.
My layout will look like this
1-14 testoviron depot 500mgs split 250mgs mon and Thursday
1-16 Proviron 50mgs split 25mg mourn 25mg night
1-14 igflr3 20mcg before workout
17-20 clomiphene 100/50 Nolvadex 40/20

I need advice on how to run the igflr3 im worried about getting a gut also do I need to run hgh with igflr3?
Any help is appreciated this is only my 4th cycle so im still a newbie when it comes to hgh and igflr3. I have ran testoviron and Proviron before also mast prop is one of my favorites but I wanted to switch it up to a bulk instead of a cutting cycle for the first time. I could also use some advice on my diet with these compounds especially since this will be my first bulk.
My stats right now are
Bf is around 17% thats just a guess

My proposed diet is
250g protien
150g carbs
100g fats
Cals around 3000-4000

You guys seem to know alot any help from anyone is appreciated.
@Masterprop I haven’t ran igf in years due to medical conditions. But it won’t give you a gut. I would deff run GH with it more bang for your buck.

As far as your nutrition I’m not sure what types of carbs your planning on using but I’d prob add more carbs and cut the proteins down. Hard to say without seeing an actual plan. Try cutting portions of protein to 5oz per meal.