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NapsGear AMA - Antoine Vaillant : Episode 5: Why are people obsessed with Tren?


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In this episode, Antoine Vaillant answers the following questions:

1)When dropping calories, how soon do you add cardio when cutting? asked by Yugigrenewal81

2)Honey before and during intense workouts to trigger insulion. worth it or pointless? - asked by Alextheterrible20455

3)Thoughts on vaping as recreational as a bodybuilder? asked by 24Perreira

4)How are your biceps doing this long post op? - asked by genotrop305

5)Looking for a good diet to lose some weight I’m 5’4 206 lb wanna get to 175 also I’m on test cypinate 200 mgs a week on 4 week now - asked by Donny

6)Question about HGH it comes in powder form correct? How do you mix it and what do you mix it with? What does it do exactly? What are the benefits and side effects from using it? How much do you inject and how are you supposed to inject it? Any other answers on it that I didn’t list would also be very helpful thank you! - asked by Bigb323

7)I’m about to start takingAndrol 50mg 50 count GP test 100 -1 bottle tren acetate 100 -1 bottle Would you please tell me What I should take with it as a cleaning saycl. Thank you asked by Hello there

8)Hey guys, for a cutting cycle test and tren, I’ve heard bad side effects with tren but would it be any beneficial to run tren ace at 100mg per week? I’ve seen my mate on just 100mg tren ace a week and he looks amazing. Also how suppressive is tren in your opinion? asked by Iloveroids

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

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NapsGear’s IFBB Pro AMA (Ask Me Anything) offers our customers the opportunity to ask the hard questions and actually receive a credentialed and qualified answer. Who better to get your bodybuilding and fitness advice from than an IFBB Pro?! NapsGear is proud to introduce our IFBB Pro leaders: Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, Milos Sarcev, Lee Priest, Guy Cisternino, Antoine Vaillant!

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