NapsGear AMA - Chris Tuttle : Episode 58: Alternatives to the real thing


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In this episode, Chris Tuttle answers the following questions:

1)Proviron during or post cycle therapy? Beneficial? asked by FAQymQiQ979

2)Best supplement to replace trenbolone if you had to? asked by YjWtGkqU215

3)Best fat burner besides clen? I understand diet is 95% but want that little extra. asked by NAWKMdC)

4)Number one piece of health advice for someone who’s been using for a few years now,intermediate/beginner? asked by sLhMWyuc629

5)Alternative to deca for bulking? I prefer to to keep aromatization down. EQ best? FWNweRms943

6)How much ML can be injected in delts? Is it bad if I have bumps / knots in my glutes from injections? asked by sjWoUPit247

7)What would you recommend for someone who has a bit of a sign of some gyno?asked by BxzUBxeB982

8)Favorite compounds prep or off season? asked by RXoYVmh9454 14:09 What is a good cutting cycle for a beginner? This is my 3rd cycle. I have not used tren before yet. Is tren a must when comes to cutting? asked by EdVkZeTw968

9)What is, in your opinion, the best mass gain cycle with the least impact on health?asked by dSfSTALd875

10)Older coaches say that T4 is super important for muscle growth in the off season, is it? If why? asked by wolgoSpX134

11)Do you have a staple in every cycle not including test? asked by vsmYeWZN342 20:02 Best stack for someone looking to just put on good size/ strength? No shows, just for personal gain. asked by gkCFUA2N74

12)Do you think PEDS help to grow legs? Nattles (me included) seem to have major U/L imbalance.-asked by kooMesyu25

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

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