NapsGear AMA - Evan Centopani : Episode 39: Trans Athletes


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In this episode, Evan Centopani answers the following questions:

1)Hey Evan- long time listener, first time caller. I’ve enjoyed hearing your about your past life experiences and linsite in general - you come across very relatedable and reasonable so I stay tuned, especially when I’m doing stairs. Off topic question:Being an experienced professional athlete where most of us are not, what is your perspective and opinion on what is happing to the future of “Sports” regarding the topic of “Trans” athletes where post-puberty biological males are now competing against biological females under the guise of “gender identity” and stetting profound “world records”. As an example, the controversy surrounding NCAA swimmer Lia Thompson. I see this culture clash bringing in a bunch of arm chair politicians that actually have nothing to do with the sport and I fear them shaping the future as a political tool. I feel we all have open minds on this forum but seek rational logic - what do you think about what is happening and where do you see this going for our future? Much respect. Thank you for your time. asked by Patriot_1234

2)Hi Evan, I am looking to lose 15 lbs of stubborn fat. I am 31 years old, 5’7", and 160 lbs. I am an intermediate user of steroids. I have done Test, Primo, Var, Winstrol, T3, cardarine, Clen. I am well aware of the caloric deficit and the importance of dieting to lose weight but really need the extra help to lose stubborn fat. I usually have oats for breakfast, chicken breast/ fish, Avacado, salads and sweet potatoes for lunch/ dinner, nonfat greek yogurt. I never eat processed or junk food and do my best to eat organic foods. I would really appreciate some supplements options to lose stubborn fat- budget is not an issue. Please suggest the most powerful fat burners! - asked by DinkaShwaggins

3)I am going to be taking 400 test cyp with 600 EQ… I’m struggling with which al to have on me and what dose to do if I experience any sides of estrogen. What do you recommend? - asked by EmSee

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

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NapsGear’s IFBB Pro AMA (Ask Me Anything) offers our customers the opportunity to ask the hard questions and actually receive a credentialed and qualified answer. Who better to get your bodybuilding and fitness advice from than an IFBB Pro?! NapsGear is proud to introduce our IFBB Pro leaders: Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, Milos Sarcev!

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