New here to this site looking for help. Info


Hello everyone…i have been reading the threads and i like this forum great info everyone seems to be nice. I am pretty much a nub have done a couple cycles in the past. But never did research basically was told what and how to do it. But i am on y own now. I am 41 years old 6’2" been lifting on and off again for 23 years…2 years ago got serious cut down from 230 to 165. Was looking to compete. Noticed i needed to be bigger so have been focusing on bulking . had to move change jobs cardio diet got messed up with the transition. Went to local urologist. Small town . T- levels were 240…put on test cp 100mg a week for 4 weeks…still low 250…got bumped up to 100mg every 5 days…been looking into sources for cheaper prices right now paying $80 per month for 4ml a month and cannot be sold anymore due to local pharmacy says controlled substance. So getting info on everything to gain the size i need and then cut. Currently 200 bf% is around 15% which doesnt bother me cause i know how to diet to cut…i can put on bad weight very easily. If anyone has advice for me as far as training to pack on major muscle. Diet. And other info as which source is safe and legit please feel free to message me. Thank you everyone and i will continue to enjoy the knowledge and info everyone shares.
Welcome to the board my man! There’s literally tons of knowledge here right at your fingertips. If you cant find what you’re looking for, feel free to hit some of us up with questions. Everyone here is pretty good to deal with from what I’ve found so far.