SB Labs

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Hey so I haven’t actually been active here in years just b/c of Father Time : kids, house , wife family work etc . But the one thing that’s always been consistent all these years is my love for gym and how’s it literally saved my life both mentally and emotionally so many times. I was orginally gonna say that “rush” I get but that’s no longer the main reason. The days of crazy PR’s, eating around the clock and just constantly fueling  that knowledge of how to better myself are still there just not as crazy now due to a mix of surgeries/tears/ and injuries. The reason I wrote that above is because I am still constantly reading and educating myself on our bodies new studies new areas of info etc. and I’ve been reading alot lately into the research coming out about the supplements that are working with our mitochondria and pathways associated. It started with these(2) specific peptides and has led most recently into two specific compounds. One is called “SLU-PP-332” and

“5-Amino 1MQ”. The one I find most interesting and could see actually not just worth it but a product like might actually stay long term is the SLU-PP-322. The only issue I’m running into is finding what a true healthy, but good dosage is for the product. The 5 amino has already been around enuff and used enuff to show it works great for fat loss, endurance but also fiber hyperplasia. And it’s so much healthier then what’s been the staples out there for years . The slupp322 is gonna be my own new experiment . It’s been tested by Jashnoik so I’m not worried about authenticity. When it arrives I’m gonna start at 1mg daily an hour preworkout and on off days in the morning due to some people saying it keeps them awake for a while but not like that stimmed out junkie feeling. So fingers crossed I’m gonna like it and Trey something new for the first time in a very very long time too. After yall read into them tell me what you think as well, and if there worth GC adding to there list. Because it’s great having quality places having those hard to find good products and GC came around a long long time ago I believe orginally on PM and I remeber using them many many times when Idog was there head rep.  So seeing them still  round and pumping is awesome and great to see. Congrats to you GC for all these years of hard service my friend. My emai has changed many times due to safety and hackers so I don’t think they’d recognize my most recent email. But I’m still gonna send yall and email and hopefully catch up with these OG’s lol
