Peptide Chemicals Review


Well-known member

So, I am currently running testosterone propionate by itself, to be honest I wasn’t trying to be on cycle but I started Keto diet and started loosing tremendous amount of weight, so I decided to add some testosterone just to keep my muscles lol excuses right.
Anyways, even tho’ propionate won’t retain as much water as other compounds, it does happen testosterone is testosterone right, so my weight on scale went up and it was water sine my muscles looked puffy. I won’t lie i have always had the curiosity to try peptides as PCT AND during cycle , so even tho’ my weight gain wasn’t of consideration , again excuses excuses.
I bought some anastrazole to take during my mono cycle and get rid of water, plus some tamoxifen and clomiphene for pct and Cialis just to have fun with the wifey.
Now , first day taking Anastrazole i decided to take the whole 1ml, what a big mistake , got me so fucked up, I had the chills , nightmares and felt weird all night, then i had to go to work next morning like a zombie and I work at chemical plants so I was miserable all day. So, after that event, I decided to take .25 EOD and everything is perfect, only way to know if tts real anastrazole is doing some blood work. I haven’t tried clomiphene and tamoxifen since i still have like 6 weeks ahead of me but i will review my experience after, also cialis at 8 drops a day is doing very good, lol not that i need it but enough to have my wife beyond satisfied.
i will create another topic later of the testosterones i have been running and add some feedback to them.
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Arimidex should not have given you those sides. I’d be concerned about what was actually in that. Sounds like you’ve been okay since tho so guess maybe it’s okay. I don’t fuck with research chems for ais. Blood work as you said will be the only way to know tho.
Prop won’t make you puffy. We use prop last 6 weeks of prep for the specific reason it’s a fast acting test and no water bloat. If you’re lean for prep you may notice a very tiny bit of water but not enough to affect you. Being you’re on keto I know you’re not co test Lean and would not notice water retention on prop alone. Unless it’s not prop.

I’m with @Fitraver on research chems. You don’t want to get your anti estrogens from them. I’d say it’s not the real form of arimadex. Will it have same effects yes but it’s not real arimadex. I’m very Leary of chemical research companies. That’s just me though. There are good companies out there
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yes I agree, the only change was on scale for about 4 pounds and My diet was still good no changes , BF was the same 10%. so I though the only reason for gaining weight is water. Somehow every time I use prop I do see some changes on my body , vasculaity and my muscles look fuller, but yes not the puffy look as with other test. Like I said it was just an excuse to run my test since i was loosing weight.
UG gear is great but PCTs and Ancillaries should always be real pharmaceutical brand in my book. I had a buddy who made the decision you did and it put him in the hospital with an unidentifiable illness.
Have used this company before … so-so result, seemed underdosed, although no testing / scientific validity to support my claims. There are a few companies out there that seem to produce “better” quality products that others in my opinion and from discourse and conversations at the gym. But pharmacy grade is the obvious choice if available.