Phenomenal strength gains on week 3

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So… Beginning on week 3 which would be my fifth pin I have discovered phenomenal strength gains compared to my other cycles ran. So with covid and everything and a fucked up relationship. Naturally I lost strength and size. And other posts I have commented on I always talk about lifting light. From my memory usually it takes me a couple of months to rep out 205 on the squat… today I’ve achieved that. This after doing 5 sets of various weight. I don’t get that She-Hulk feeling like some of you guys talk about… Nor did i have that feeling today. Especially coming down with a cold so obviously im not at a full 100 but i was moving that fucking weight. … Dosages have been increased and will not change… Because… Why not dammit…
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All right let me better put it like this this is my third time on the legs the second doesn’t count because somebody was on the rack and I couldn’t get in there… So anyhow I was squatting 115 struggling first week around… Then…boom… Fucking 205 3rd go round… I mean yeah I worked out the legs on the second time but it was just the machines and leg press
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I couldn’t imagine struggling with those weights. Makes me feel a little better about my squat until you see
Some dudes repping 600 Then I’ll have to push it self to get there
All progress baby… sept 20th i was 155 . Im 177 now… Majority of that weight I gained by leaving a stressful situation… My gear hasn’t even peaked as everything is a slow ester… Wasn’t able to sign up for a gym until the 13th of this month…
Going to see what weight I can hit for 10 reps this upcoming Saturday. I’m thinly somewhere I’m between 365 and 405. You have made me want to know as I usually do power lifting sets
No I would never do that. Slow and steady. Though I am getting turned on by hgh bc the sound of the healing properties is very attractive as I hurt and die more and more each day
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