Quest Labs Total Male test results


Went to Quest yesterday and had them take blood and urine for the “Total Male Panel”. Everything looked good or was normal for the most part.
LDL 65 Calculated?
White blood 5.3 thousands/dl
Red blood 4.79
Placelets 176
The items I have listed below were of concern or out of normal range.
Urea Nitrogen BUN was high at 30mg/dl
Bun creatine was high at 26 calculated
Albumin / Globulin was high at 2.8 calculated
Protein was low 6 g/dl
Globulin was low 1.6 g/dl
This panel didn’t include a test or estro panel, which I thought was included for some reason. I was at the gym almost 3 hours before test so I’m not sure if that would of screwed up my creatine numbers. I don’t use a pre workout and haven’t used creatine in years. Any feed back would be appreciated.
Probably the workout. We’re they supposed to be fasted? I would get them drawn again, go first thing in the morning.
I had worked for 8 hours before hand. Not that I was doing much. I’m just getting a bit worried I didn’t do something right and did the test but won’t receive
My results haha
Hahah I wouldn’t sweat it until you get the results. Unless your job is super physical I don’t think it would skew the results. But 3 hours of physical exertion would
Do it.
I know they usually recommend fasting and I should of waited to workout. I was about to start a Test+Deca cycle. Should I hold off and get retested?
The person taking my blood told me I was crazy for fasting. I pointed out it says to. She replied I know but I couldn’t do it
I don’t think it would hurt. If you’re not going to, just make sure you’re getting enough water and check in a few weeks. But I would want to know my test before cycle so I would re test.
Just looked it up and it’s called “men’s health profile.” It said fasting was not required. I believe it was @Optumpharma that recommended it, because they do offer a testosterone test.
I didn’t. I was under the impression to do men’s health profile before and then the testosterone test 6 weeks into cycle? I’m guessing now I should of done both? And testosterone one again 6 weeks later?