Share your first 3 cycles

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Still new to the site and new to gear. I’m about to finalize my first order with one of the sponsors here. Waiting for my darn bitcoin to be available to transfer!

Anyway, Im hoping you guys would take a stroll down memory lane and share the first 3 cycles you did starting out. The positive… negatives… whatever detail you want to share about them.

I just starting out with test only myself as I’m sure most of you have. But I think seeing everyone’s second and third go around would be very interesting.
My first two cycles were Test cyp only… Ran 500 the first, 400 the second…
Got on TRT in between the two cycles…
Third cycle was test and dbol…
First cycle was TestE 500mg a week 12 weeks
Second was 500mg plus Dbol 12 weeks test. First 6 weeks Dbol 50mg ED
Third was 800 test. 400 Deca 50 mg Winstrol last 6 weeks. 12 week total.
On first at 500-600 test e every week second will be 600 test e 300 deca with Anadrol kickoff at 50 mg third is Tbd but superdrol will. E the starter
Thanks @TBU, if I’m not mistaken (from reading other posts) you’re more of a powerlifter correct? I’ll have to pick your brain a little more about that. Seems like most talk around PEDs is centered on bodybuilding/physique training. Not as much info out there for powerlifting/strength.
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Power lifter for sure. @PHD is a straight up body builder. If this Corona virus gets the fuck out of here. He will have a pro card this year for sure. Not to blow him up too much, but should have gotten it 2019… Me I train for heavy lifts. In the Corps we had 1000, 1200 and 1500 pound clubs I never made it to the 1500. The club is 3 lifts. Bench. Deadlift. Squat. Your PR ON ALL 3 totaled. Power lifting is pretty easy to get locked into. Supplements are built for it. And I can eat what ever the fuck I want. 😂
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I’m a believer of less is better.
If I can run 400 and get the just the same results of 500, why do 500?
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I’m fucking old. It takes more for my big old ass. 😂. Nah. I’m the same. 500. Once in a while I’ll push 800 with 2 compounds once in a while. Oh plus an oral. 😁
I’m with you man. I mentioned in another topic I started that I’m starting at 300mg/week my first time which is starting as soon as my order arrives. I’m actually still making progess off my 150mg/week TRT dose so I figured I dont need to jump to 500 the first time I get in supraphyaiological territory.
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