's the deal

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Active member
breaking the ice…

I believe in God
I smoke weed
I have a blue collar, labor intensive job
I like operating machinery
I love sour diesel
I’m tattooed white trash
I have a wife, 2 kids and a cat. The cats actually cool
I own my home
I own a car-paid off
I’ve been locked up for various reasons
I miss being a criminal. I’m grateful for my life don’t get me wrong, but I had fun being a criminal
I believe in God
My mom is dead. Dad is a fat bastard daego
I’m 6’3" 220lbs
I train for my family, nothing else.
My family comes first
I’m a fucking head case
I’m a good friend, just not friendly
Love sports
Thanks for reading.

GSD-Get Shit Done
He’s my favorite artist of all time. He’s the only artist I can feel. I feel his emotion he puts in his music. I love other artists but don’t feel it like I do with him. I’m extremely disappointed in the most recent events with him and I hope its all bullshit.
Lol you like stitches, huh? He’s an acquired taste for sure but haven’t ruled him out.
This might be the best intro ever. You and I would probably be friends in real life haha. welcome to the forums!.

I go through periods where I’m on a lot then might not log in for a couple months so I haven’t really developed any personal relationships per say, but everyone here has treated me like gold and gone out of their way to help out a stranger.

Curious what are you current goals?

(Also love the “Hard For” quote. One of my favs and a criminally underrated song.)
And I’m a fucking headcase too, so hey, we have that in common.
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Goals in overall life or physically and training? Overall life is to keep building success one step, one day at a time in any legal way possible. Training, to stay physically fit enough for my job so I can take care of my family. Build and maintain.
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Good combo. I smoke ganja. Can’t afford the docs and meds. Thankfully it works most the time. Other times I isolate until it subsides.
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