Started Week4 of 600mg Test-E, now what?


Well-known member
What’s up my guys,

Been so busy lately. Running 72 hours in a 5 day work week and still finding time to study and hit the gym (hard AF). Sorry for not being on here, just checked in here and there. Need to be here more.

Anyways, I am in week 4 (just pinned 1ml of 300 test-e this morning, another next Wednesday night). Now I have been reading so I’m prepared for the get blood work done responses. Don’t worry fellas, it’s coming, but when is the optimal time?

Also, I came into this a little unprepared. Thinking I would be fine estrogen-wise and if not then I would just hop on and hopefully a lovely sponsor would help me out. Well, this brings me to which AI’s do you guys prefer? I’ve only been reading about arimidex but EDIT is currently out. I haven’t looked into finding any other sponsors as I believe in loyalty but I’m not completely opposed to it if Arimidex is the right way to go. I just don’t want to burn any bridges. But, I had low T before starting this cycle so I’ll be blasting and cruising the rest of my life. I’ll have time to test out and donate with all the great sponsors here. Long winded, sorry fellas. Have great day and thanks in advance.
I use Arimidex as that’s what was prescribed by my TRT doc. Works fine for me. I get the loyalty part, maybe you can contact another sponsor in this case but go back to your current one you are using and happy with after. I’m sure they would understand the circumstance.
How do you know your Estro is high? I wouldn’t do anything until you get your results back for your estrodial.
I would have done blood work before your cycle to see where your hormones started to begin with. Test on week 3, if results come high standard dose for adex is .5 Mg twice a week then Test on week 6. See where your levels are at. If it’s still high Test on week 10. Just keep testing till you find an AI or dose that works for you. I would try the adex first to see if it works. It’s fine to be loyal to a sponsor but your health is a priority so you do what you gotta do to get it right. Yeah you fucked up and a little unprepared but you live and learn. Pretty sure we have all done it especially on our first cycles as you never know how your body may respond. Good news is, is that it can be fixed. Post your results up here ASAP and others would be glad to chime in on what to do next.
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Adex so far hasn’t done shit for me. Just got done taking 1mg every day for a week and still feel the same high estro sides. Will be running this entire 16 week test e cycle with 180+ estro. Thankfully haven’t grown any tits as I would have immediately stopped the cycle
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I would suggest Arimidex at .5mg 2x weekly with just testosterone as your base no need for anything else. I have some from CVS RX that you can pick up as this is a must to have.

As far as blood work week 6 is usually where the build up has flattened on the trt curve.

All in all best to have arimidex and nolvadex on hand for any cycle.
Yeah it’s gotta be fake or somehow we are both immune. My brother switched sponsors and if it takes care of the estro then that determines we have a sponsor who had sold bunk adex. Waiting on his blood results in a few weeks to determine next course of action
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Hate to be the one that says some shit is fake but if it happens that his adex from another sponsor worked and the sponsor I’m using and that he did prior that didn’t work, wouldn’t it be in the communities best interest that it be revealed? Not gonna state the specifics until the evidence pops in a few weeks after bloods. This is why bloodwork is imperative.
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Are you getting both of your hormones checked? I assume by previous bloods you mean a blood test before cycle? Also, considering you don’t have hands on an AI yet, what do you have for your PCT?