Starting a new thread

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Well-known member
Hey guy’s when I’m posting on someone else’s thread and want to start my own as to not highjack, what’s the best way to go about doing that to inform the community? Do I just state on the op’s thread I’m starting my own?
Yeah dirt I never dialed my ai in and really need to. Just always went by what I’ve always heard parroted from the brofessors. When I go in to get my bloods done in March what should I specifically ask my doc to test for when it comes to estrogen and progesterone?
There’s good information on bloods here on the forum. Look at blood work on the drop down menu. It’ll tell you everything you need to know. Good luck with everything bro. As my grandma said,”this too shall pass”.
Yeah I never have any issues with estrogen to speak of at least that are noticeable and the only time I ever developed a lump was when I was taking prohormones back in the day before I even knew what they were. All I know is it said it would get me jacked. It was a blend of 3 different ones I can’t remember what ones possibly phera-plex, superdrol and something else. looking back I was so waterlogged from it and riddled with acne. It put some serious mass on me just terrible quality mass.
This is what I have drawn every time
I had one yesterday. See my cardiologist next month. I try to be as carful as possible
Yeah me too brother. I didn’t start aas until my mid 30’s which I feel was a wise choice on my part. Less time taxing my body with aas and developing problems earlier on in my life. Built a solid foundation of muscle and allowed all those tendons to get stronger naturally. I swear everyone I know that jumped right into aas at a young age has had some type of surgery do to injury. I’m Healthy as can be at the moment. I’d rather be enhanced in my 60’s rather than in my teens and early 20’s. I’m 40 years old now and love it.
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