Steroid Post Injection Pain, Swelling, Redness, PIP


Well-known member
I am going to share a personal experience and in now way is this to be considered medical advice. Infections due to injectable steroids are serious and real. If for any reason you suspect an infection seek IMMEDIATE medical attention.

This is from my experience of a right quad injection of a 1ml of oil from a new supplier. This happened a few years ago but I remember the concern that I had like it was yesterday. I am posting this because many have site injection pain beyond what we consider typical PIP. The pain in accompanied by swelling and red hot skin. Here is my experience and what I was advised to do about it.

The day after the injection I had a hard sore lump at the injection and flu like symptoms. Throughout the day flu symptoms got worse and the site began to swell. Day two post injection the flu symptoms were gone but the swelling was unreal. My right quad was 2.5" bigger in circumference than my left quad. Day three post injection the swelling had not reduced, pain increased and the swelling was moving down my leg. I had been using heat, ice and massage since day of injection. Day 4 post injection I began to worry so I made a last minute appointment with my PCP and went. My doctor actually almost began to laugh because my leg was swollen so bad. Blood tests ruled out an infection. My doctor diagnosed me with a severe histamine response to ‘whatever’ I had injected into my leg.

Treatment; Ice, never heat. Benadryl and Ibuprofen

I am thankful that this did not turn out worse and I was lucky. Maybe there is something here that you will find useful if you ever find yourself in the same situation.
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Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge of what to do best…
This maybe a stupid question and I’m sure I already know the answer but did you continue using that supplier/ source? Did you notify them and what was their response?
I know you are experienced and not a newbie. We have a lot of nerves in our legs. I once had some Dinkel 400mg test. You have probably seen it if not used it. Well my dumb ass decided to inject it right on top of my quad (where there are a lot of nerves). Well you guessed it I hit the nerve lol. It swelled up so huge I could barely fit my pants on and huge red swelling around it. I used apsercream and that helped a lot but took 4-5 days before the swelling went down lol

So always be mindful where you inject. I steer clear of top of my quads I inject in the sweeps now. Another tough place is the traps. I’ve had good injections and bad ones where I hit a nerve. I stay away from traps also.

Thanks for post bro
@josh why would you contact the source? People are quick to say it’s the gear when 9 times out of 10 it’s us and our mistake.

When I had my abscess it was 100% my fault not the source or the gear. I was careless and did something stupid (rookie)

We have to remember when people choose to use gear they are putting foriegn objects in the body and sometimes the bodies natural reapeone is to reject it.

Always be safe and clean bottle and spot you choose to inject. And be mindful where you inject.
SemperFi said:
‘whatever’ I had injected into my leg.
I ask just because I’m curious if “whatever” could be determined. Totally understand that it’s usually our fault.
Got ya. Pretty sure when he said “whatever” that he was just saying in general whatever he put in there.
I did not. They had a long history of customer support and a positive history of quality. I have yet seen a source admit doing anything wrong concerning the makeup of their product and all stand behind, at least in speech, what they provide so I did not see reaching out to be productive.

It would be a guessing game to prove what actually happened but if it was an allergic reaction than an antihistamine would be beneficial to mitigate the issue. I doubt it would have prevented anything but it may have limited the extent of the reaction if I took an antihistamine from the beginning.
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Thanks for sharing. I had a gym associate have to have his bicep cut open to clean and drain an abscess recently. Too many factors to determine the exact cause. It could of been microbes, poor technique or location and/or any combination.

I will mention that he injected 1.5ml into his bicep of an unproven product. So many times we are our own worst enemy and end up trying to blame something or someone else for our own errors in judgement.
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I have to agree 99% of the time its our own fault that we experience a problem like the ones mentioned. Ive had many terrible swell ups but luckily never turned into infection just a literal pain in the ass lol
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Then we can do everything right and still receive an unexpected result. We all learn some way, some how, that anabolic steroids are not a joke and some lesson are learned easier than others. I simply hope each and every member takes every possible precaution to put their health above all else.
My very 1st injection was exactly the same . I thought I ducked myself up for good and all I could think was " this is what I get for trying steroids ". But the swelling went down after a week so I went with injecting my glute and had no issue . The next injection was in my shoulder and I got fat arm with redness and pain after 2 days. Tried quads 2 more times and on the 2nd injection I had pain and swelling.
I only do 3 injections a week so i rotate ass cheeks and medial delts it works out good for me bud. Just stick to areas that dont cause discomfort all the while perfecting your injection procedure and being as sterile as possible