SB Labs

The Balance Between Heavy Lifting And Smart Training | #113 IFBBAMA Podcast With Dr. Mike Israetel


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In this AMA Podcast, Chris Tuttle, Mike Israetel, and Milos Sarcev dive into the nuances of managing injuries in weight training, focusing on the importance of proper technique, controlled movements, and adjusting intensity to match individual capabilities. They emphasize the mind-muscle connection as a key factor for maximizing muscle growth and minimizing injury risk. The discussion explores the value of training variability, the balance between heavy lifting and sustainable practices, and how smart programming can help build muscle effectively over time. They also address the psychological aspects of training and the risks of muscle imbalances caused by improper exercise execution.

About NapsGear IFBB Pro AMA

NapsGear’s IFBB Pro AMA (Ask Me Anything) offers our customers the opportunity to ask the hard questions and actually receive a credentialed and qualified answer. Who better to get your bodybuilding and fitness advice from than an IFBB Pro?! NapsGear is proud to introduce our IFBB Pro leaders: Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, Milos Sarcev, Lee Priest, Guy Cisternino, Antoine Vaillant, Jujimufu, James Hollingshead, Frank McGrath, Xavier Wills, Morgan McDonald!

You can also submit your own questions here at Ask Me Anything

CLICK HERE to view the AMA Episode.

Each week our IFBB Pros will answer your questions in written form as well as educational videos! Need nutrition tips? Want help dialing in your routine? Curious what book an IFBB Pro is reading? Submit your questions now and get an answer from an IFBB Pro!
