Total Test vs free test


Well-known member
Curious if anyone knows more info on this and what causes the difference.

Both of these test were done without being on anything else. Just my script test and adex. Timing of bloods pulled was identical.

  • 200mg test
  • results around 1130 total test and 180 free test
  • 220mg test
  • results around 1060 total test and 194 free test
So I’m on slightly more test, yet my total test is lower, but my free is higher. I know I’ve heard that free is what you wanna focus on, but I’m just curious what causes the differences between the two?

Just interesting to me that my free would go up but my total down.

And maybe I’m just ignorant to this and higher free test = lower total. If that’s the case it makes sense then.
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All the levels fluctuate every hour of every day, that those numbers are just what they are. We normally have the highest and most consistent in the am. What nobody is keeping up with is bioavailable test. 3 types basically, bound to shbg( can’t do anything good for us, … Or bad😀) bound to other protein (albumin) and “free”. So, with your 1130, 180ng/dl was unbound(7% is high) but then 700 could be bound to albumin and be used for functions. Then, we have the genetic receptors. Hopefully we have a lot on muscle. I guess the biggest riddle is to find the best amount for the individual. If we have a ton of bioavailable test, and we saturate the receptors, then what’s left will be aromatised affecting prostate, heart… Etc. Its a really complicated subject in the end.
It is such a small difference in the draws and can come down to calculation discrepancies. None of these tests are going to be 100% accurate, though they are reliable to a precise enough degree that they will be very close. That said, free test doesn’t go up when total test goes down, etc. Free test is the amount of testosterone that is unbound in the system. The higher the free test the better in most cases, but those are some good numbers.