SB Labs

Recent content by FTS

  1. FTS

    OmniLabs Suspended From UGM. DO NOT ORDER

    Man customs has been tight this last 8mos or so but ive always told ppl when i was out of stock and dont take pre orders.
  2. FTS

    Reddit steroidsourcetalk ( Reddit Steroid source talk) is pretty much a scam

    Ive been around half a decade and never had even one bad review or lab work. Thats gotta stand for something.
  3. FTS


    I have an injectible. 2mg/ml
  4. FTS

    Banned src alex yang also

    He contacted the post office or customs? Seriously?
  5. FTS

    We have a new staff member

    Damn lmao
  6. FTS

    Who else trained today?

    I hope ill get to. Work work work
  7. FTS

    Bloodwork how come no one posts?

    6 weeks. Doubled dose after first 6
  8. FTS

    Bloodwork how come no one posts?

    Honestly it was really hard to manage the estrogen
  9. FTS

    Bloodwork how come no one posts?

    Highest ive had is 15000 ng/dl on 2500mg a week
  10. FTS

    Let's get this section going!

    Locked up and private?
  11. FTS

    Injectable Anadrol Constant Pump

    Hmmm never done injectible. Sounds fun
  12. FTS

    Bitcoin and Payments Online

    Kucoin is nice and binance. Zcl is forking this month and only on bittrex i believe
  13. FTS

    Bitcoin and Payments Online

    I do a lot of it