SB Labs

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  1. C

    6'3" 280..need to eat alot to lose weight

    I didnt really until i got a trainer. It all started with my right kidney failing (2015) and i was wearing a bag, stopped eating and couldn’t walk more than 2-3 feet without severe pain, for 8 months i went from 240 to 330 After surgery, my mom passed and put me in even a worse state of mind and...
  2. C

    6'3" 280..need to eat alot to lose weight

    i never was tested for thyroid issues i do know my mother had issues and not sure if genetic. I was slowly creeping up, i went from 285 to 330 in a year and when i started eating more i dropped back down to 281. With no change in exercise either.
  3. C

    This sponsor for years

    i see where i mis-stepped…thanks for helping me out! Ill be more on the ball going forward
  4. C

    This sponsor for years

    i seen the edit… i appreciate that, ill go through them now… cheers!
  5. C

    This sponsor for years

    They are usually quick at responding to emails or questions via their website. Every “cycle” was I never had labs done, but i can tell you how i felt while on vs not on gear. I am not sure whats up with them now… seems communication is alot slower i hope they are sticking around.
  6. C

    Lowest dose of Tren on 200mg Test C

    Just a heads up about tren I was running a 100mg a week and even at that dosing, my mental state was completely out of wack. I did have slight anger issues, and i had to bite my tongue daily over small shit. coming off it was 100X worse. I was a rollar coaster of emotion. Tren is scary shit and...
  7. C

    6'3" 280..need to eat alot to lose weight

    Has anyone else had this issue? I was eating 700-900 calories per day… not from trying to lose weight just not hungry, and i was slowly and steadily gaining weight. My trainer , which fucked up, jumped me up to 2400 or so over night and my guts screamed for weeks over it and bumped me up even...
  8. C

    My personal Introduction

    Thanks for the very warm welcome!
  9. C

    My personal Introduction

    I am just naturally big guy and it seems the less i eat the more weight i gain. I was eating 700-900 calories per day and still gaining weight, a nutritionist suggested i start taking in 2300 to start the 2700 then 3000 and i was losing weight quickly. I had blood work done since i was always...
  10. C

    My personal Introduction

    I tend to train alot of legs but im not a lifter per se. When i do get time to gym it out its 3 days legs 1 arm/chest 1 back then rest I take the Test for low natural Test cheers!
  11. C

    My personal Introduction

    I hope im posting in right spot…im on my phone lol. Hi folks! My name is joe aka Capzper 6’3 280 pounds. 47 years old as of 2 days ago I had blood work done showing my natural test levels is sitting at 4…low is 8 high is 26. So i been using 200 a week of test e. For about 2 years Always i seem...