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6'3" 280..need to eat alot to lose weight

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Well-known member
Has anyone else had this issue?
I was eating 700-900 calories per day… not from trying to lose weight just not hungry, and i was slowly and steadily gaining weight.
My trainer , which fucked up, jumped me up to 2400 or so over night and my guts screamed for weeks over it and bumped me up even more 2 more times, but i started losing weight.
I am not a weightlifter by any means, and eating does not come easily to me.
Is this normal?
It might have been your body going into starvation mode. You won’t lose weight because your body believes that its starving because of the amount of exercise compared to nutrition.
Im dealing with this now I haven’t been eating much but I haven’t lost a huge amount of weight like I would have thought

Not definite but a possibility
You will not gain weight eating 700-900 calories that is physically impossible at your size. Unless there is some mass that is growing in your body but even then the math wouldn’t really work out caue you would lose from other parts of body. I’m not trying to be a dick but are you tracking yiur intake. Weighing food out and what not
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i never was tested for thyroid issues i do know my mother had issues and not sure if genetic.
I was slowly creeping up, i went from 285 to 330 in a year and when i started eating more i dropped back down to 281.
With no change in exercise either.
Yea think this may be a typo? No one, body building/ lifting or not is surviving on 900 calories a day. Even cutting. But after re-reading sounds like u may have an underlying issue where your not hungry? Elaborate so some of the knowledge on here can chime in…
Re-reading again, lol, sounds like you weren’t eating enough, trainer bumped UP calories, and you started losing weight? If you were severely under eating this makes sense. Generally your body needs proper fuel, and if it’s fueled properly THEN a slight deficit in Cals would lead to some weight loss. Either way, hope your healthy brother, sounds like your fighting the good fight, and you picked a great spot where lots of positive people will be able to give you some additional guidance.
Again I ask do you weight your food and track what you are eating cause any exercise at that weight and those calories would be impossible your brain alone consumes about 300 calories daily. Do you ha e any pics, face marked out of course, to show what type of body composition you are working with. I mean if you were to somehow eating that much and gaining weight it would have to water weight of some sort and I think any doctor would be running all sorts of test
I didnt really until i got a trainer.
It all started with my right kidney failing (2015) and i was wearing a bag, stopped eating and couldn’t walk more than 2-3 feet without severe pain, for 8 months i went from 240 to 330
After surgery, my mom passed and put me in even a worse state of mind and shelled me up even more.
A year later my stepdaughter challenged me to lose weight with her.
With no real guidance and literally just doing 30 days challenges (no weighing food or even changing my intake), I lost 30 pounds.
She got preggo after losing weight and stopped working out which i stopped as well. 2 years ago
I won a free Bootcamp that lasts 3 months last year…i had to take weekly progression photos…had a “trainer” that oversaw my diet…I started counting Calories and weighing my food using an app that i input everything in.
He was also confused and concerned when he saw on the app that i would eat a sandwich and a piece of fruit daily only…maybe a sugar-free energy drink yet not lose a single pound despite being active at work.
I lost total of 48 pounds in 3 months… the oddness of it i stopped boot camp workouts 1 month in due to lack of drive and energy but stayed on the higher caloric diet.
I am not good at articulating words but any thoughts or comments fire away i appreciate it!



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You can add pictures and links don’t add links to anything but studies because of embedded links in copy and paste you can’t post links that sold anything or lead to anything sold.
Also the same with pictures nothing promoted or sold.

Well you’re a big fella for sure.

Did you get your renal functions straightened out?

You got kidney stones?

Do you get blood labs regularly… monitoring renal functions?

How’s your blood sugar…diabetes?
@Poppy i take after my father sadly

I did! I used to live in Tennessee and never drank water only sweet tea, soda and i did roofing for 5 years
I moved to canada and drank only water…and had my first kidney stone attack after 7 months.
Came and gone after a few years finally had a blockage… so doc went in several times removing them and the last time he tried to go in he couldn’t since it showed my urethra was completely closed for over 2 months… function went down to 17%
so they put a tube and a bag so it could drain. you can see one of the scars on the side profile by the belt.
my other is functioning at 83% no stones.
Funny enough i never had a single lab done concerning my kidneys since the operation. But when i went in concerning my mood swings and depression ect they checked renal and liver as well as a test …b12 iron ect.
On August 10th i am actually a specialist for the first time solely for renal functions. but my lab work shows no alarming issues.
I had a higher than normal b12 2000% <–yup, they thought it was from energy drinks which i stopped since…natural test was at a 4… other than that all my levels are great. not even pre-diabetic.
The doctor had no concerns. Ill have to get more labs done before the 10th though.
That’s all good news then.

Do you track your macros?

Do you know what your maintenance caloric intake is?

Do you know what your fat loss caloric intake is?

Not berating you I promise… just trying to drill down and help get you to your goals.
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