SB Labs

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  1. F

    Old Man Rant #587

    Maybe you should consider looking at things in a different way. The “greatness” you didn’t achieve may have been only a tiny “tick” away from what you actually achieved on that journey. Being able to reflect and say “I could have” might have been a subconscious way of keeping you away from all...
  2. F

    Looking for Advice

    As usual, your assumption is spot on. I don’t know exactly my bf. It I were to listen the Mr Dr I’m almost obese at 6’-184 can see abs … see them best while flexing. About all I have left is damn upper rear hip fat… drives me nuts. If I diet till that’s gone I will be 175 and lose mass I...
  3. F

    Looking for Advice

    Let’s try again. I am looking for solid advice on my next recomp and how to take the best advantage of the following items I’ve collected. I have: 2 -1mg bottles of igf1 Lr3, 2 -50 mcg vials of lr3, a 2mg vial of peg mfg (none reconstituted yet), 500mg of test cyp plus a bunch more cyp from my...
  4. F

    Omega special for the week

    Thanks @Poppy ! You’re the best Every day goes by the less I feel I know… Now where’s my 8 track tape of the Saturday Night Fever Sound Track!? 🤣😂
  5. F

    Omega special for the week

    Newish on here… but too new to know how to email you to get the list. Or website… I’m sure it’s obvious but seeing this as I run out the door for 6 hours of windshield time …
  6. F

    Igf 1 R3 long

    If it’s legit stuff it will work. Along side 500 test a week though… you may not notice it. I added a ton of weight and held on to most of it on a cycle of 250 eod but had to cut it back a lot. The LR3 should help you add new muscle cells and grow them faster in test. Too bad you can’t share...
  7. F

    HCG and non crypto

    Ok guys. I’ve been off and on lately… on some prescribed TRT and realize I must be dealing with overworked or just ignorant HC folks. Hate to say it but when the nurse tells me the TRT i’m on won’t shut down the testicles I am a bit skeptical. especially when they are doing a disappearing act...
  8. F

    Trt dose advice

    For what it’s worth. I didn’t take your comments in any sort of negative way. I’ll anxiously await. Or…sleepily await. I think the 50mg e4d has me feeling good the day I take it and I’m ready for a nap right now….
  9. F

    Trt dose advice

    Any trusted vendors here sell cyp or enenthate that don’t require Bitcoin? I haven’t figured all that crap out yet
  10. F

    Trt dose advice

    When the pharmacist said that I looked at her and just smiled and said … oh, sure thing. She also thought I could draw it up with 25 gauge When the dr called in 23’s I pointed out a bigger needle is needed … lol I’m amazed how little knowledge exists with the actual practitioners
  11. F

    Trt dose advice

    They gave me 4 bottles for 100/inj but 200 per bottle… stating. Throw out after first dose of 100. Only enough for a month and my follow up is 7 weeks. So I’m doing my best to pull 50/injection Mon. thurs. should get me close
  12. F

    Trt dose advice

    Hey there all. Aside from feeling like I can sleep all day the past few, lethargy doesn’t seem to be an issue today. My questions is: what’s the the double top secret password to get the insurance companies to approve a 25 ml bottle at 200mg/ml instead of these tiny 4 ml bottles (or whatever...
  13. F

    Trt dose advice

    It’s prescribed from… I think Pfizer and it’s in cotton seed oil. This stuff wouldn’t draw in a 25 but had zero pain on injection The stuff I bought from “I gotta guy” was like injecting hot tar. But super effective
  14. F

    Trt dose advice

    @johnjuanb1 I could barely get the cyp into a 25 gauge needle for 1 ml or 100 mg/ml what do you do to try and measure out 14mg per day? Just pushing the cyp out was a chore. No big deal. Zero pain. Previous cycle of enanthate at 150-200 mg per pin was like pushing a golf ball under my skin for 2...
  15. F

    Trt dose advice

    Let’s put it this way. The twins are definitely Irish. The rest of the equipment in the shed is not. But, I’d rather be hanging and clanging than wondering if I should try out for the boys choir. I know my voice isn’t changing. Lol. But a cold chill and these things appear to have left the...
  16. F

    Trt dose advice

    @Poppy and @NeuroRN thank you for the advice and for always weighing in! It’s appreciated. @Poppy uodate yup. 6’ 190 right now First cycle last year Feb 1 start at 175 and fatty. Not fat but about 25% End of cycle 199 (I call it 200 because that was my goal lol) held on to most muscle At 190 I’m...
  17. F

    Trt dose advice

    They are worried about hematocrit levels… I’m doing a 100 weekly abs will probably shift to 50 every 3 to 4 days
  18. F

    Trt dose advice

    Thanks! I’m hoping for a steady uptick and then some blasts now and then. I want to add another 10 in muscle at least. 20 would be killer … then level it out and cruise
  19. F

    Trt dose advice

    @Xpliot what do your test numbers look like where is your hct (heamatocrit) is below 50? I’m at a urologist… copay $5!for 4 200mg pe ml single dose bottles. Which is fine and dandy but if it’s just pissing ona wildfire I may just supplement on my own after blood work.
  20. F

    Trt dose advice

    Starting some trt. Finally. Some debate out there on how much to take and when. Dr wanted to have me take 1 ml 200mg concentration every 2 weeks I asked why not 100 weekly. Math shows me this. 200 with 8 day half life is basically 100 left at 7 days and 55ish at 14 days 100 weekly puts me at...