SB Labs

Trt dose advice

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NeuroRN said:
At 20 mg you still get all the benefits of organ protection without much impact on pressure.
Per a conversation with my doc. Some of the renal markers might elevate a bit but the latest data from the nephrology folks have shown that’s a minor trade off for the proven long term renal health.
@Poppy and @NeuroRN thank you for the advice and for always weighing in! It’s appreciated.
@Poppy uodate yup. 6’ 190 right now
First cycle last year Feb 1 start at 175 and fatty. Not fat but about 25%
End of cycle 199 (I call it 200 because that was my goal lol) held on to most muscle
At 190 I’m about 22%
But calories are too low to bulk like before and fats not really changing. The lr3 did, I am convinced, even administered sub optimally helped I’ve maxed my db’s on bench ! I need to switch to barbell now to keep growing.
I am trying to be patient.
I’ll switch to 50 e4d to make sure my script makes it to my appt (3 weeks after my last dose per the doc instructions) otherwise I’ll be a estrogenic bitch.

Curious all… will this low level addition shrink the twins anymore? I don’t want the wife to stop enjoying them like she does… (yea I am very lucky)

Should I ask for hcg script or just buy my own? How do you fellas manage that part on trt?
When your body stops producing its own testosterone due to exogenous T your cod will shrink.

It kind of worked out for me. It offsets the old man saggy sack. My cod is a little shrunk from 20 years ago but for me personally not an issue.
But…to be honest…I’m not completely sure about shrinkage on that low of a dose. I’ll let someone else ring in.
Let’s put it this way. The twins are definitely Irish. The rest of the equipment in the shed is not. But, I’d rather be hanging and clanging than wondering if I should try out for the boys choir. I know my voice isn’t changing. Lol. But a cold chill and these things appear to have left the building. Trying to minimize. @NeuroRN was succinct enough. I’ll be asking for hcg.
Thanks again all!
Keep us posted. Very interesting to me. Especially the quest for muscle gain at your (our) age.
The absolute best TRT results come from daily subcutaneous injections with an insulin pin. You’ll get lower estrogen conversion, higher free testosterone, and a higher overall testosterone score. 14mg a day gives you 98mg a week. I’ve seen experiments run on another forum with blood work proving this. They use test enan or test cyp typically. Subcutaneous inject of aas in my body leave welts so I do my daily shots intramuscularly which doesn’t give me issues. I’m not on TRT but just saying subQ wasn’t for me but it is the best way to get the highest scores on blood work for TRT.
Most doctors are idiots. A 200mg shot every two weeks will turn you into an emotional roller coaster. Don’t do it!
@johnjuanb1 I could barely get the cyp into a 25 gauge needle for 1 ml or 100 mg/ml what do you do to try and measure out 14mg per day? Just pushing the cyp out was a chore. No big deal. Zero pain. Previous cycle of enanthate at 150-200 mg per pin was like pushing a golf ball under my skin for 2 days…
I use a 30 gauge, 1cc, 1/2 inch insulin pin. Just got some 29’s which loads up faster. Flash labs gear uses MCT/palm kernel oil so it’s super thin and smooth. If your gear won’t go through a 25 gauge then that’s some thick gear. Thick means PIP.
14mg can only be accurately measured with an insulin syringe.
It’s prescribed from… I think Pfizer and it’s in cotton seed oil. This stuff wouldn’t draw in a 25 but had zero pain on injection
The stuff I bought from “I gotta guy” was like injecting hot tar. But super effective
Hey there all. Aside from feeling like I can sleep all day the past few, lethargy doesn’t seem to be an issue today.

My questions is: what’s the the double top secret password to get the insurance companies to approve a 25 ml bottle at 200mg/ml instead of these tiny 4 ml bottles (or whatever size) with 2 ml of 200 mg/ml? I can barely keep the needle in the fluid as I try to extract it.

Lol you’d think people on testosterone were the biggest drug abusers in the world the way they make it so difficult to get and then administer.

Oxy? Here’s a bottle. Fentanyl here ya go. Lol
Test? You can’t be trusted!
I get the same thing…itty bitty cute little 4ml vials with 1ml of cyp in them. When I pick up my script they come individually boxed so it looks like im leaving with a sack of juice. I haven’t even bothered to ask for any different.
They gave me 4 bottles for 100/inj but 200 per bottle… stating. Throw out after first dose of 100.
Only enough for a month and my follow up is 7 weeks.
So I’m doing my best to pull 50/injection Mon. thurs. should get me close
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