SB Labs

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  1. B

    Any advice on arimidex

    Joint pain is a symptom of low estrogen. You’ll need blood work to confirm. It is almost unbearable for me. I’ve talked my estrogen 2 times and the joint pain is the indicator for me.
  2. B

    TRT results for 2020

    I would still split your dose into 3 injections. You never want your test to be 155. Injecting 3 times a week will keep it close to an average level.
  3. B

    Testosterone and agression

    At TRT dose you really dont have to worry. At any dose just do your best to keep levels stable and estrogen in check and you should minimize any possible aggression.
  4. B

    TRT results for 2020

    I would go with 100mg 3x/week to keep your levels more stable before I made any other changes. What ester test are you using?
  5. B

    TRT results for 2020

    I would be more concerned with getting those test numbers up. 155 total test? If you feel good I guess that is good but that is low. Maybe you should inject more frequently. Even 4 days after injection that is too low.
  6. B

    Test levels on blood work

    Everyone is a little different but 4 to 6 times your weekly dose is a good guideline. So at 500mg/week you should see 2000-3000 ng/ml.
  7. B

    Blood Test Results are in

    Test level seems a little low but not unacceptable. TRT doses range from 100 to 300 to get people to roughly the same level so everyone is gonna react a little differently. Tren will kill your natural test production but wont have any influence on your exogenous test levels as far as I know...
  8. B

    Building Lean and Mean

    With that many questions and misunderstanding clearly showing a lack or experience and knowledge do yourself a favor and skip the tren for a couple cycles. You need to do at least one, preferably a couple cycles of test alone. It will give you an idea of what it can do and what to expect. It...
  9. B

    Hair RoutineZzzz?!?!

    My moms father had full thick hair til the day he died. My dad’s father was bald since my first memory of him. I’m 44 and thick full hair. Never lose it regardless of cycle.
  10. B

    SomaLong is ready ! Peg HGH

    I think it is actual HGH “wrapped” in PEG (pegylated) so it stays in serum longer. The PEG (polyethylene glycol) dissolves slowly releasing a little HGH at a time. That is how other pegylated drugs work. Obviously that is a dumbed down explanation, but best I can explain.
  11. B

    Recomposition possible?

    There are a lot of questions in there. First cycle just do test only. The EQ you’re talking about will just be wasted. Too low a dose and for too short. Needs to be run 16+ weeks. Yes you can recomp. I’m 44 and naturally lost 20 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of muscle in the last 10 weeks...
  12. B

    First 5 people that reply will get?

    Same here. Both usually fast. 3 weeks is usually the max but over 30 days in Nov/Dec and now been waiting about 2 weeks for ashop just to pick up payment. Not sure if shipping volume is up in general with online sales or what the deal is but it’s been slow this winter. Will be checking out some...
  13. B

    First 5 people that reply will get?

    I would normally agree but this holiday season has been crazy. International shipping taking forever. Naps wont talk about reships til 42 days and not shipping anything from China til after Feb.3. I’m waiting for ashop to pick up MG for 2 weeks. At 40 days I would not be too optimistic but this...
  14. B

    2020 a new year with new goals and I have a starting lineup

    Ya. Geneza. I’ll post once I start. It may be awhile. I’m not sure if they’re even shipping til after Feb. 3 due to Chinese New Year. Seems like this holiday season was bad for all international suppliers. Gonna try some domestic sponsors here soon. Just need to burn a bit more fat before I...
  15. B

    2020 a new year with new goals and I have a starting lineup

    Its GP. So not the best but I think solid enough I’m not too worried. What do you think? I plan on working up to 1ml/day (40mcg clen, 6mg yohimbine). I may take an additional 40mcg clen if I think I can handle it and need it. I can take clen and just went off 80/day. Have gone up to 160/day in...
  16. B

    2020 a new year with new goals and I have a starting lineup

    I know about ketotifen and have some coming and a bunch of Helios as well. I hope I am able to take it. I’ve been increasing dosage with oral Yohimbine trying to get used to it. I think I’ll be good. I have not heard or benadryl for that. It works as a beta receptor upregulator like ketotifen...
  17. B

    SomaLong is ready ! Peg HGH

    That is very interesting. What blood tests could you run to test this? IGF1? Hgh serum?
  18. B

    What goes good with test and masteron?

    NPP. I get much better results than with Deca. Deca is great super low dose for joint maintenance but NPP if I want to gain.
  19. B

    Our Biggest sales will be on BITCOIN

    Lately it’s been creeping up. Made a few dollars last month. Like @n3rd said it may go up or down. It’s been pretty stable for awhile. It is basically a commodity so it fluctuates hourly. I have 60 something dollars in my wallet. I just load it when I need it.