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Hair RoutineZzzz?!?!

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Just curious on any of my fellow UG members hair routines to prevent hair loss. Im sure some of you guys have some useful supplements/hair products you may use to prevent hair loss. The way I look at it is if anabolic animals like Rich Piana, Jay cutler, and Roelly Winklaar have full heads of hair and they use and have been using crazy amounts of gear for years, there must be some remedy that some of us guys who aren’t even on that level of road usage can use.
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Well I’m bald. If your preposition for baldness in your family and have lots of male pattern baldness, using gear can speed up the process. Point blank. I didn’t give two shits about hair. So it wasn’t a big deal with me. Besides. I look better without it. 😂 Maybe someone else can talk hair products or transplants.
Yep. My Grandfather had a full head of hair till he died in his 90s. I still have a full of head of hair and never had an issue regardless of the compounds I use.
Lololol I respect your perspective. I wouldn’t care either if i could pull of the baldy like mr clean, but i personally know I would look like a fucken idiot with no hair so im trying to hang on to what I’ve got 🤕
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Sick genetics ‼️ Curious to know if he was your grandfather from your mothers side or fathers… I hear you get hair genetics from your mothers side. Not sure if that’s a myth and im a idiot for believing it but oh well
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My moms father had full thick hair til the day he died. My dad’s father was bald since my first memory of him. I’m 44 and thick full hair. Never lose it regardless of cycle.
I have used propecia and the Nixon shampoo line for the past five years. I really started as a preventative measure as I started my 40s. I seem to be holding onto all of it. But as the guys referenced previously, genetics is the key.
I hear ya. I’d look like a demon without my hair. I think it’s genetic for the most part. My hair does get a little thinner on DHT derivatives. It thickened up when I went natural. My hair stays good if I’m only on test and deca. I don’t use estrogen blockers. I assume estrogen is good for hair.
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I only have hair issues with primo and I do have a small receding line but after this primo run its probably just going to be testosterone and proviron.
I would also assume estrogen is good for hair but you mind if i ask why you avoid estrogen blockers? Just trying to learn more and more on peoples real life preferences everyday so I can obtain as much knowledge as possible
I don’t get any noticeable estrogen related side effects if I keep testosterone below 300mg per week.
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