SB Labs

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  1. B

    Best cycle for strength

    If this is only going to be your second cycle I would probably stay away from tren. If you do use it as @n3rd said use acetate so if you have bad side effects you can stop and it will be out of your system in a day. If your main goal is to put 25 pounds on your bench you could hit that with...
  2. B

    Introduction / Hey fellas new here

    You need to do a lot of research before you run any cycles of AAS. What you are doing now is wrecklessy injecting potentially harmful compounds into your body. I’m not quite sure I understand but I think you are running 250 or 300 (alternating weeks) testosterone with 200mg EQ one injection per...
  3. B

    Proviron can I use it as an aromatase inhibitor to control estrogen?

    I never run any cycle without Proviron. I have Adex and Letro on hand but almost never need them. Proviron controls E2 for me up to 500mg/week test. I run it almost year round at 25 or 50mg/day depending on what else I’m taking. I saw a couple studies they used 150mg/day for a year and...
  4. B

    Feel no different after week 6

    So I read some of your other posts and really can only suggest the following Stop all your gear. Wait 2 weeks and run full PCT. Get your diet and training dialed in. In a few years revisit the idea of using AAS. Dont mean to be a dick but you’re 25, 5’11", you’ve been training for 5 years and...
  5. B

    Feel no different after week 6

    You should feel increased sex drive, more energy (less sleep but still feel good), more confidence, etc. If you are trying to gain mass 2500 calories/day is not enough. You dont list stats but in general 4000 might be a good place to start. 500mg/week test on first cycle you should be seeing...
  6. B

    Upper chest weak point help

    I always have success with circuits for putting on mass quick. For upper chest one I use is incline bar press 6 reps, take off 20%, amrap, take off 20%, amrap, cable crossovers 10-15 reps. Rest 2-3 mins repeat 3 circuits. No rest between sets. You start fairly heavy and get volume and...
  7. B

    New exercise I found to break you off mid workout

    I just found a nice chest finisher a couple weeks ago. Standard pushups and side to side over under battle ropes. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 2 or 3 rounds. Nothing left after 3 rounds of that. The battle ropes is basically a backflye then chest flye as fast as possible right hand over...