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Feel no different after week 6

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So I’m a little confused

So I’m on my first ever cycle of test e 250 x 2 a week and 50 mg of winny every day

But I feel nothing no strength gains and I look the same as before is this right? Surly I should see a difference?

My training is on point (6x a week ppl) sleep is on point and so is diet (currently getting (2500 which is a lot for me)

Brought from a source from here
Depends. Steroids are only a small part of this. Your workout and diet needs to be on point. Now one persons idea of on point is different then others. Same with how hard you are actually hitting it. Get some blood work done thru anylabsnow or another place and see what your testosterone levels are at. You should also get bloods done when its completely out of your system.
You should feel increased sex drive, more energy (less sleep but still feel good), more confidence, etc. If you are trying to gain mass 2500 calories/day is not enough. You dont list stats but in general 4000 might be a good place to start. 500mg/week test on first cycle you should be seeing results. As @TG said get your bloodwork done and see for sure then you can start fixing what is missing. You should get a full panel done (CBC, lipids, e2, progesterone, test, etc.) for your first cycle to get an idea how your body reacts to the test so you know later if you add other compounds what is doing what.
We don’t have sources here but I believe that you are saying you used a sponsors services.
Would you like to let us know which sponsor so that we can get this figured out for you?

Have you had bloodwork done?
Have you roidtest the gear?

I ask this because I have had a member come to me and say that they were running a gram a week but they weren’t feeling anything. I asked him to get bloodwork done so that we could really get the red flag up to protect the community. He also was a seasoned veteran in using gear so I believed him 100% but just needed something to back it up then he got bloodwork and everything showed that he was using legitimate gear.

I look forward to hearing more about this situation so if needed I can make changes to the sponsors rating
I dont usually post detailed responses here but 500mg is not alot. That’s just double the TRT dosage I’m prescribed naturally.
Ajay said:
feel nothing no strength gains and I look the same as before is this right?
Ajay said:
My training is on point (6x a week ppl) sleep is on point and so is diet (currently getting (2500 which is a lot for me)
This is whats a red flag for me. Now in 6 weeks you feel no strength gains and look exactly the same claiming diet and training are on point? Nah cause if diet and training was on point you’d be seeing some progress regardless. Doesn’t matter if on gear or off.

Bloodwork has to be done and see where your at and see where your levels are and what naturally your at. Detail out your full training program and diet and what your stats and goals are. It can be figured out.

Also why are you using test e and Winny at those dosages? If your looking to cut then you’d be doing it with test p not e.
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After reading some of your posts every thing is fucked up. I understand your dealing with low T and anorexia. But at 5’11" and eating 2500 calories trying to grow is bullshit and won’t work. Doesn’t matter what you take if your not eating enough and proper foods.

There is no purpose for you to be taking Winny trying to gain size with where you are at. Just store that shit for another cycle when you can actually use it.

If you really want help start a log. List your full training by day and down to sets and reps. And at this point, no fucking cardio. Your best option is DC style workout for now.

List your diet down exactly how your eating. Every damn day what you eat and how much of it. You need a kitchen scale and weigh the shit out cause you aren’t experienced enough to know what amounts are what.
I have had test take around 4 to 5 weeks to kick in but I also agree with the other guys you have to be lifting correctly.The very first cycles I ever did I made no gains and was due to me not correctly working out in gym.I in no way saying that is what your problem is that’s just what happened to me brother
So I read some of your other posts and really can only suggest the following

Stop all your gear. Wait 2 weeks and run full PCT. Get your diet and training dialed in. In a few years revisit the idea of using AAS.

Dont mean to be a dick but you’re 25, 5’11", you’ve been training for 5 years and you’re 170 lbs. Your diet and training are not on point. At 25 you should be able to gain a lot of muscle naturally with food and weights alone.

I would say when you’re 190 naturally then think about running a cycle. At 25 yo you should be able to gain 20 pounds in 6 months easy. At 170 you should be able to gain 20 in 3 months. You need about 3000 calories to gain a pound of muscle so to gain 2 pounds a week you’ll need about 1000/day surplus.

For training I would do only Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Pullup, and Barbell Row. You can add excercises to balance as you make progress. Only workout 4 days a week until you start to grow then more as you can get your calories up.

I wish you the best and hope you reach your goals but you need to go back to the basics and work from there.
I diet for shows on 3,000 calories. You need to eat a lot more. All the roids in the world won’t build muscle without food. Up the calories to 4,200-5,000. When you can’t get the food down, have blended shakes with whole raw eggs, peanut butter, whey protein, fruit, milk, greek yogurt, oats. It’s much easier to drink the calories.
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I use to put all those things in my shake for added cals, I would pretty much put in anything I could to help out.
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