It was the undecanoate, It will spike on you. Did you get the anxiety after you had been on a while ? Has a super long ester. Half life is stupid high but it doesn’t release much at a time so you can’t tell and everyone you take a shot you add more and more and when it finally kicks in it’s...
The only peptides that I tried that worked was ghrp2, ghrp6 and that no dac stuff take them together and holy shit I couldn’t keep my eyes open wanted a nap then hunger for the ages. The hgh wannabes that couldn’t tell at all I have ran hgh for several years on and off and no comparison what’s...
They want a nuke so bad I say we give them one, Deliver it too. I hate it for the innocent people but my brother stayed over there for years with the marines. And he said that even the kids and woman try to kill you. They don’t like us. They fight for beliefs of religion and you can not fix that...
Drugs lots and lots of mind altering drugs. 🙂 lol I put in my headphones and jam the fuqk out drown it out with music. Then tell em all to play hide and go fuqk yourself. We don’t negotiate with terrorists….
Let me throw this at you you will have a hard time eating enough with the gastric to feed that beast. I wouldn’t change anything until after surgery. Then get your meals and eating down to where you know your macros set it up for fat loss and then maybe hit the eq. It makes me Hangry. Very...
Your right at most I have seen 300 mg per week make normal levels but the guy is 280 6ft 4in two. I have helped a lot of folk through the years and it seems to follow less for smaller guys one guy takes 125 mg per week and his stays at 800-900 but he is 185 lbs maybe and short. Me it takes...
How long y’all been dating. Is it love at first site or tough love through the suck. Been married for a long time (feels like it) it’s got it’s ups and downs. Love doesn’t make a marriage it’s the commitment to stand by someone no matter the cost. I still feel the electricity from my wife as I...
I just don’t want the place to get watered down it’s got great members that contribute great info and experience. I can create legit topics everyday but I don’t feel like it would outweigh someone who kept a log and posted, bloodwork is something else and just someone doing something out of way...
I like the member of the month for sure but I would rather see it go to the most productive not the most replies it seems to get watered down with stuff being active is definitely a plus and this is helpful getting people active. I just hate to see someone do like a very detailed daily log get...
I don’t know what I’m gonna do when he gets to his teenage years he isn’t hardly scared of anything now. He gonna be hairy like us too but it’s red bright red
Everyone always thinks he is 6-7 now or they think he is has learning issues, till I tell them he is only four. And they are like holy shit. He is strong too his traps already stick up. I’m like it must be the mailman cause he didn’t get it from daddy when I dropped him at preschool this year I...
If you need some help brother. I went through the exact same thing. Took 5 docs to get my test levels to where I felt good. Then found out I have a less than 1% chance to have a child we tried for couple of years then went to fertility clinic and first thing they said was come off your TRT cause...
I agree with poppy I been on TRT FOR. Over a decade and I would half the dose every three days or take whole dose every 4-5 tops with cyp . If you up your dose to say 200 it would probably give you more issues than it would solve your test levels are humming. So I would say the reason your...
That may be the issue if they get faked I’m pretty sure most of my beligas gear has came from steroidify. Thing is with all of it roidtest has helped us identify issues and keep us safe
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