I agree with you that religion has been tainted by mans touch. It has been manipulated and changed to suit the needs. But if you peel them dang old layers away the all have the same message. We are not perfect there is as you put it a higher power. We cannot comprehend that power and have the...
So where we post labs at here or somewhere else I know dumb question but hey I’m eat up with the dumb So to clarify you need labs, pic of bottle and video of me sticking it in my ass cheek? You need last 4 of my social, date of birth, mothers maiden name, and name of first pet too? Not a problem...
That’s not really how it works. we are not perfect people we sin. it’s a choice however you make it out to be. You choose to or not to do something. it’s a choice if I decided to bury my face in a hookers ass full of coke still a choice. You will be what your supposed to be. The We are gentiles...
He could resist the temptation no longer the sweet aroma calling to his soul maybe he just wanted to be alone with it, get to know it, Caress it, play with it . Oh are we still talking about PB?
Some places it is I can remember being told those exact words for years. It shows weakness and is as a man cannot allow that. I think it is harder to ask for help than to keep it bottled up. But opening up about emotions is about as explosive as holding it in till you go off on someone. It’s...
“When people put themselves before the lord “ if you look around people are getting so selfish for there own needs they are ignorant Of others. Only when it affects them is it then important. Good people are hard to find these days and even harder to hear. They have been made fun of,persecuted ...
Hedwig don’t like peanut butter, that’s a first. Maybe he has a taste for blood, tried any meal worms. Lol popcorn try popcorn. Never seen one turn down popcorn
I agree with you there I really wish people would focussed on depression. I have saw a lot of very young well spoken nice family seemingly good folk with no reason you you would tell took there life. Had a span at FD Where teenagers were taking there lives during COVID I won’t forget a 17 yr old...
Had a few crap situations mostly my fault picking rocks out yer hands in tub road rash. Ankle, wrist I can’t see good anymore and it’s not worth it for me to ride cause I wanna haul asspostrophes. Now I helped put 4 fosgate spl 6.5 in my buddies bike with tweets and amp guy wired it for him...
I loved your old place it looked so peaceful and secluded. Where you could just relax I know what’s up you got the hamster army growing in the basement don’t you?
I had no regerts not even one letter:). He stil has it I saw him yesterday keeps him warm too now don’t make me pull out my old fire gear pics. I was a lot sexier back then. Don’t know if you boys can handle it
Pulled a John twice week stopped what I was doing drove my happy ass to shop and chewed new bosses ass. Figured I was fired then drove to customer who had apparently called me a liar to clarify what a lie was. I’m a lot of things but ain’t no thief or liar. Maybe an asshole or smart ass i was on...
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