First we should ask ourselves if it is even necessary to ‘detox’ … and the answer is not so simple as many will and do say that the liver ‘detoxes’ us … that is a yes and no … depending on what you eat the liver can’t and doesn’t handle everything that you put in your mouth ;- ) for those of us...
Being a female in this world is rather advantageous, we have the flexibility and freedom to pick and chose the compounds we run without being tied to running test.
A very powerful stack to start with is NPP/Prop. I highly suggest that if you have not run either of these compounds yet you run...
Time and time again we all see people wanting to run cycles mostly they fall into two categories … they want to get lean and “tone” or they want to get BIG. I think what they really want is to look good and feel better about themselves. Unfortunately that doesn’t come in a vial or a tablet. That...
I see quite a few posts regarding women’s libido and two things really stick out to me. The first is that almost all the entries are made by men and the second is hardly any mention is made regarding getting labs done.
There are so many factors that affect a woman’s libido, not just lack of a...
I didn’t see a bunch of anything going on so I figured maybe I ll kick it off… i ll have numbers posted later next week during the conditioning phase … I m probably gonna start natty and see how it goes … my one rep max for bench is somewhere around 225 at this point, dead lift is at 310 and not...
I thought I’d post a beginning cycle for women as there doesn’t seem to be that much info out there for women to go to
Please keep in mind that using AAS is not to be taken lightly and the side effects can be different for each individual as sensitivities do vary from person to person.
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