SB Labs

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  1. IronBerserker

    Roid test Anavar not anavar. Dbol?

    Hej, I haven’t been active on here in about a year. Alot has happened in my personal life, on top of the craziness in the world affecting everyone. That being said, you’ve always been helpful and answered questions I had. Very much appreciated, tack!
  2. IronBerserker

    New Member Intrduction

    Hej, great community & vast wealth of knowledge and experience.
  3. IronBerserker

    October 2019 member of the month contest at ugmuscle

    Nej, to quote highlander “There can be only one”
  4. IronBerserker

    Affordable Workout shirts

    54 degrees here, shorts and tshirt lol
  5. IronBerserker

    New Program for Winter?

    As everyone says you need to eat alot more. Generally the rule is: your weight x 18 or 20 = your daily caloric goal. So about 2,700 daily. Calorie ratio should be similar to, if not: 40-45% carbs, 35-40% Protein, 20- 25% Fat. Try to eat every 2-3 hours, 6-8 meals. If that’s hard, drink your...
  6. IronBerserker

    Shawn Rhoden and Mr Olympia

    Personally, I believe the Olympia is pathetic, especially being the pinnacle championship of the sport. It’s very politically influenced from within the community, rather than deserved placings. Alot who placed and have won, shouldn’t have and those who lost and didnt place should have. The...
  7. IronBerserker

    October 2019 member of the month contest at ugmuscle

    Is winny the one you dont want to lift heavy on?
  8. IronBerserker

    Cramps at work.. please help

    Just be sure to have some salt added to your water, preferably a accurate and adequate electrolyte blend. I got heat exhaustion walking around Istanbul all day last summer, almost heat stroke. I drank so much water, it flushed all the salt out of me, dehydrated me more. My green shirt had white...
  9. IronBerserker

    L3-L5 back fusion, minimum invasive!

    Unfortunately my father has had several back surgeries and as a result his disks are deteriorating slowly. Though it was that or walk minimally and with a cane. Just bought some time, he’s in pain almost all time
  10. IronBerserker

    Tamoxifen (anti-estrogens) reduce IGF-1 & GH

    Hej, I’m preparing for a cycle & in my preperation I extensively research every aspect for best decision & optimal results as with everything I do. In doing so, I came across a few published medical articles stating how anti-estrogens, specifically Tamoxifen, reduce Growth hormone release...
  11. IronBerserker

    Even a coach needs a coach

    Quad sweep from back is nice, grattis
  12. IronBerserker

    SBL is on point! A must try!

    Nice hoard, skål!
  13. IronBerserker

    October 2019 member of the month contest at ugmuscle

    I’ve read about increasing dosage weekly and then after the midpoint of the cycle, you start to drop dosage. The idea is to not first shock the body & to prevent fatigue of receptors. Also to ease off into pct as again not to shock the system and better adapt to pct. Theoretically It makes...
  14. IronBerserker

    Cramps at work.. please help

    All these suggestions are great. If you look into what electrolytes are, this brand is closest to exactly what the body needs and is almost the equivalent of an i.v. bag and essential electrolytes. I researched this and found this brand. I didnt get muscle cramps, but I suffered horrible...
  15. IronBerserker

    Affordable Workout shirts

    To keep warm you just need whiskey, a woman and sauna lol
  16. IronBerserker

    October 2019 member of the month contest at ugmuscle

    Lol, I’m participating. Luck to all
  17. IronBerserker

    COMSEC and self awareness

    I’d also recommend a VPN with a secure email. Never know who’s watching your ip address. Google is notorious for storing and giving out info.
  18. IronBerserker

    Affordable Workout shirts

    That is swimming weather lol