SB Labs


  1. gdbchristy

    For uk shippings

    Hello, our intl line to uk only takes 4 days to delivery with door to door service, uk customers can try kg orders from inlt line, it takes almost the same delivery time as domestic shipping but with lower prices, any need or for full intl list pease reach out to me via...
  2. matt88

    SALE ON ORALS/TABS 8/3/24 UNTIL 8/4/24 All weekend long...LAB RESULTS INCLUDED

    SALE ON ORALS/TABS 8/3/24 UNTIL 8/4/24 All weekend long…LAB RESULTS INCLUDED (SARMs excluded) International shipping ONLY EP orals steroids
  3. yourmuscleshop

    How to loose weight? semaglutide 10mg

    Shop Now : Contact Us : Telegram : WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  4. yourmuscleshop

    How to gain lean muscles? anavar 20mg

    Shop Now : Contact Us : Telegram : WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  5. gdbchristy

    Peptides ktis with bulk prices

    MOQ:$200 BPC157 5mg $4.5/vial Tb500 5mg $9.5/vial MT2 10mg $5/vial GHK cu 100mg $5.5/vial AOD9604 2mg $4.5/vial IGF-LR3 0.1mg $6/vial hgh(10iu) $5.8/vial hmg(75mg) $11/vial semaglutide 4mg $12/vial tirzepatide 10mg $25/vial BPC157 with 98% purity TB500 with 98% purity please reach me for COA...
  6. gdbchristy

    Kits promos

    promotions over, any other promotions will keep you guys informed, thank you.
  7. gdbchristy

    Great Promotions on hgh kits!

    hi ugm bros, we’re having a promotion on hgh kits: 10vials/kit usa domestics:$75/kit (>5kits), intl line: $58/kit (>5kits), shipping cost:$60 Test Report HGH 97.8% Any need or questions, please feel free to reach out to me,thank you. order...
  8. gdbchristy

    We've returned to office today

    hi UGM bros, Happy New Year to you all!!💕 we’ve returned to office today from CNY holidays!!! intl line has resumed, can arrange shippment asap, any need or questions , feel free to reach out to me via gdb01@securenym,net, thank you! Regards Godbullraw
  9. gdbchristy

    Janoshik test reports updated

    Test Report Dianabol 96%+ Test Report Test cyp 98%+ Test Report Test enan 96%+ Test Report Proviron 98%+...
  10. gdbchristy

    Janoshik reports updated

    Test Report Dianabol: 96%+ Test Report Test cyp 98%+ Test Report Test enan 96%+ Test Report Proviron 98%+...
  11. matt88

    Several BUCKS off EVERYTHING local - Buck OFF sale

    Deer :deer:Deer 🦌 Several BUCKS off EVERYTHING local Deer :deer:Deer 🦌 - Local SALE - Aim and pull the trigger before it ends on January 15th! 10% OFF Gold-Line (injectables and orals) LOCAL ONLY ~ Save Several BUCKS Deer :deer:Deer 🦌 10 % OFF regular EP-Line (injectables and orals) LOCAL...
  12. gdbchristy

    Great Promos on Trizepatides

    hi bro, we have great promos on tirzepatide kits! tirzepatide 7mg $260/kit, total 20kits in stock! any need or questions, feel free to reach out to me,thanks. Email:[email protected] Wire: @christy_gdbraw Session : 05be9d90c618a63b1250d2101a87e164f36362c6966ec65278cdb2986bbae0e130 Regards...
  13. gdbchristy

    Newly updated communication methods

    hi bro, you guys can reach out to me via below methods: newly updated emails address: [email protected] (the old one: [email protected] will stop use in March) newly updated btc address: will be informed when place an order (the old btc address no longer in use) newly updated app...
  14. gdbchristy

    Happy New Years Notice

    Hi UGM bros, Chinese Lunar New Year is approaching. Intl line–shippment will be suspended during the Spring Festival from 2.3rd to 2.15th usa dom line–shippment keeps open during festivals. so if you choose Godbullraw’s intl line, please place an order before Feb 3rd ,2024. We will come back...
  15. gdbchristy

    New channels

    Hi guys,latest updates from Godbullraw: 1.we will not use whatsapp/telegram and [email protected] from December 1st. 2.we have moved to Wire app, please add my Wire:@christy_gdbraw we’ll update you the latest stocks and news of Godbullraw source via Wire:@christy_gdbraw Mail...
  16. gdbchristy

    Thanksgiving Day Promotion

    USA DOM Tirzepatide 10mg kits Buy two get one free, total $1150 for 3kits USA DOM Semaglutide 5mg kits Buy two get one free, total $750 for 3kits INTL LINE Tirzepatide 10mg kits Buy two get one free, total $810 for 3kits INTL LINE Semaglutide 5mg kits Buy two get one free, total $550 for 3kits...
  17. gdbchristy

    Test Report of Trestolone ace/MENT

  18. gdbchristy

    Halloween Discount

    Great deals on our usa domestic kits!!! Buy two kits of Tirzepatide 10mg, get one kit Semaglutide 5mg free, total worth $1450 including shipping fee, save you$300 Buy two kits of Trizepatide 10mg, get two kits HGH (10IU/vial) free, total worth $1400 including shipping fee, save you$220 This...
  19. gdbchristy

    Back to office today

    hi ugmuscle bros, Good afternoon, we are back to office from National Holidays today, both intl line and usa dom can arrange shippment immediately, will update you the latest stock news as usual. USA LATEST STOCK: mast enan 900g tren ace 4400g tren enan 2600g mast prop 800g Hcg red top 41 kits...
  20. gdbchristy

    National Day Holidays

    hi Ugmuscle bros, we’ll be having our National Day Holidays from 9.28 to 10.6, intl line will be closed during the holidays, usa dom line remains opening, and we’re keeping restocking our usa dom warehouses before the holidays coming, will surely satisfy your purchase demand, any need please...