SB Labs


  1. JLee

    Ever used a pre paid card to buy Bitcoin on mycelium?

    This may be a stupid question but has anyone used a pre paid credit card to buy bitcoin from mycelium? I don’t see why you couldn’t. I would like to get away from using an ATM. I assume there are less fees involved buying from mycelium.
  2. TBU

    Got my car fuel filter today

    I took a chance on buying this, was only 39 bucks total. I and going to modify the end of that to be a smaller fuel line. 1/4” hole to help dampen the fuel noise. 😂 I think I may have to cut out one of the filters for a larger expansion chamber tho. But it might be good as is.
  3. TBU

    Aluminum fuel filter catcher

    Got this beauty on line for 50 bucks total. It’s just short one modification on the end. Needs a 1/4” hole using my drill press and it will work wonderfully… 😂
  4. GillyTheKid

    Steroidify Touchdown and Roidtest

    @Steroidify_Rep @Steroidify
  5. GillyTheKid

    Getting nervous about my order

    I have two orders I placed with @Steroidify_Rep @Steroidify. The bigger order I placed first and the tracking shows it’s still in CENSORED Which is fine I get that Covid is causing this…but the second order I placed 4 days later was in CENSORED is now in my state of CENSORED Which just makes me...
  6. J

    Need some tips and good info

    Hi guys, this is my first time posting here. I am a 30 year old male weighing around 95kg (209lb) and around 184cm tall (6.03 feet). My fat percentage i say is around 15-25 not sure were, don’t have a lot of fat but started a clean diet in the hope to cut. I am muscular as i lift heavy and daily...
  7. TBU

    Bitcoin and transferring

    Just a little heads up. Since this whole Corona virus business is going on, make sure if you purchase with bitcoin to do same day buy of coin and same day buy of product. Bitcoin is taking a pretty hard hit right now like the stock market. As far as the stock market, you might want to look at...
  8. C

    Juicing for Canada amateur MMA

    Feedback please an amateur juice stack for MMA? I’ll feather in diet and training schedule as well. Want to establish holy grail of juicing for amateur combat sport Anavar Test Winstrol Halo EQ
  9. pureraws

    Pureraws Shipping safe to USA, Canada, UK

    Pureraws Powders are tested via HPLC, powder purity > 98%. Test report can be sent to your email if you are intertested. Please contact: Email: [email protected] wickr: gearoids
  10. T

    Shipping through usps

    Hey guys so im new to the world of AAS and have finally decided to take the plunge. My only fear is shipping through usps. How do I know that my domestic source’s package wont be searched and authorities waiting for me at the post office. Serious question guys please reply. Thanks.
  11. TBU

    Product received from GearChurch

    Just a quick post about Gear Church. Quick response. Once payment was received (you have several choices) my product only took 3 days to arrive. Well packaged. No leaks. Bottle evenly filled. Tabs pressed and formed nicely. I tried the Cialis already and it’s no joke. I usually don’t use Cialis...
  12. Ripgut

    Sales reps unreachable

    Is anyone able to contact their SR sales rep? With the protests over there i can not contact mine. Thanks
  13. N8GainTrain

    Face wash for oily skin

    I just wanted to share this with all of you. I’m not being paid or sponsored in any way shape or form by this company. I was referred to this product by a friend of mine. If you have a problem with oily skin especially on the face you have to check this stuff out, it’s kinda pricey at about $8 a...
  14. D

    Where can I get MENT domestic?

    In am new to UGM and to gear. I have been using HGH for a month and just ordered SUS 250 with Praxmer. I need some advice on diets, and training. But I also need to know if there are any other compounds or vitamins+supplements I need to be taking
  15. CrazySteroids

    CrazySteroids Phenacetin sale!

    Phenacetin in stock,welcome to inquiry price. 💪
  16. CrazySteroids

    1,4-Butanediol in stock

    1,4-Butanediol in stock ,welcome to inquiry price.
  17. josh

    Muscle Dysmorphia and Steroids

    I was thinking about the history of anabolic steriods, and there use. As we all know they have been around for awhile and can get into a debate with just about anything regarding them. So it seems to be documented that steroid use and / or abuse started because of the Russians in the Olympics...
  18. R

    Contaminated drug problem continues

    Happening more and more lately… Nov. 13, 2018 – Yet another blood pressure drug has been recalled because of fears of impurities added by a lab in China. Drug company Sandoz says it has recalled one lot of losartan potassium hydrochlorothiazide tablets. The impurity, known as NDEA, was found in...
  19. Gastank

    Please help me with my first test-e cycle

    Hey everyone, I’m thinking of starting my 1st cycle soon. I’m 31 years old, 240+ lb man, I’m partially estimating but I’m roughly 20-22% bf going off of my bf% in the past. My plan for my first cycle is take Test E 250-300mg per week with injections on Monday and Thursday. I plan to have...
  20. Canabolics


    Domestic Shipping Only - Canada Hey Canadian UGM members, we have some amazing sales for you this month. Now is your chance to get some of our best deals yet! Website: Check our reviews: Payment Options: Bitcoin, E-Transfer...