
  1. yourmuscleshop

    Build your dream body deca durabolin 250mg

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  2. A

    When can I switch from Deca to Tren

    I am currently taking Test/Deca/Dbol. I am ready to make the switch to Tren E 100mg 3x a week. I know Deca and Tren shouldnt be cycled together but can I drop the Deca and add Tren, Deca will still be in me due to half-life and Tren starting to build up so thinking its not a big deal but wanted...
  3. squatter

    Test EQ and deca cycle

    I just started a cycle of 500mg test e, 600mg EQ, and 120mg deca(just for joints been on for 2 weeks before the other stuff). Today i pinned 250mg test e, 300mg EQ, 60mg deca. Before this i have been on about 150-200mg test e since july(which was my last cycle). My plan is to keep it at 600mg...
  4. I

    Introducing myself to the community, relieved to find a reliable and safe forum

    Hello all, new to the community and I am very happy to have found you. I have done two cycles so far. I am 28 yoa, 73" height, 185lbs. My most recent cycle I ran 350mg Deca and 300mg test E per week for 22 weeks. I got into the deca in order to recover from a knee surgery. I tore my meniscus and...
  5. Dmomuchole

    DECA Durabolin Article, History, dose suggestions, typical side effects and how to avoid

    This is an excellent article for you guys especially the new ones. This article explains some common side effects and precautions. There are even suggestions on doses and how to properly PCT. If your taking this compound or plan on it I’d highly recommend reading this. Knowledge is power and...
  6. SemperFi

    Deca Low Dose Study 200mg/WK

    Quick little read on a older small study concerning using Deca for 8 weeks at 200mg/wk. These were experienced bodybuilders and the dosage is much lower for a shorter period of time than what we see being used by so many. Helps keep things in perspective.