2 week report for first cycle


If you remember me, I’m the guy that people laughed their asses off at and basically said I was hopeless and that I wasn’t listening. Not trying to start an argument, just trying to remind y’all who I am lmao. To be honest, that post ended up having a lot of conflicting information and people/answers seemed to vary in their suggestions. I got advice to not frontload, some telling me to frontload, people giving me different dosage and time interval recommendations, people criticizing seemingly minor things, etc. Obviously the few experienced people I took advice from even though they are the same people who criticized me. No hard feelings, I hope.

What ended up happening is I would do 300mg test C first, then do 300mg test E a few days later. Yes, I know it is not advantageous whatsoever to use them both together and I will not in the future. I plan on continuing by doing 300mg x2 test C dose per week for future weeks for my first cycle unless I start experiencing any signs of side effects. This is actually similar to @TBU 's first cycle except that I was using Test C instead of Test E. I am aware this is a lot, but to me seemed like a minor risk at the time and since it worked out (thankfully) I am going to continue it. Since I could handle 600mg test total, I may change those numbers while adjusting for the half-life of the testo.

Diet has been primarily home meals, fast food, protein bars, and supplements (to help get veggies into my diet). I have been consuming about 3000 calories a day and trying to get 90-110g of protein per day. I have been trying to eat carbs before workouts to help spike my energy and have been having large dinners. Sorry that I really don’t have that much information on my diet because I am in college and I am busy with summer classes and it just felt like too much to be tracking my food intake so closely. Sadly I have not been tracking water consumption efficiently either, but my water intake has probably increased 1.5x-2x if that can give you some sort of idea (it probably can’t). I have also been taking milk thistle to help process the winny I shouldn’t have taken, Nox for increased circulation and recovery speed, magnesium supplements, and DHEA.

Now before I tell you my stats and weights, please remember that I am very skinny. When I was in middle school I was classified as anorexic because of my BMI. Also remember that I was never a guy to hit the gym frequently and I am just getting back into the swing of things. But before the cycle I was benching 45lbs/5 reps (just the bar), deadlifting 45/5 reps (just the bar), was using 10-15lbs/10 reps dumbbells, etc. I am now happy to announce that I am benching 95-105lbs/5 reps, deadlifting 130lbs/10 reps, 25lbs dumbbells/10 reps. Yes I am aware that I should probably be deadlifting less reps and more weight, but I was dealing with a little bit of lower back stress (not pain) and my trainer recommended going lower weight and higher reps until I get back into the swing of things.

Now onto my gains. I started at 121lbs, now I am at 137lbs (+16lbs in 2 weeks). I was originally 10.1% body fat and now I am 12.3%. The machine I was using is not necessarily 100% accurate, apparently, but said that I had increased 7.1lbs in skeletal muscle mass; however, I was also told that that number could likely be higher and that it was an estimate, so it was likely 7.1lbs+ increase in skeletal muscle mass. I’m pretty happy with these results so far, especially since it is only 2 weeks in.

I am now looking to be insulted and criticized on an online forum. Kidding. Looking for comments or advice or feedback on what I’m doing. Hopefully the feedback can be a little more constructive than last time, though. @Ironside @PHD @Bigmurph @Raphael3636 @TBU would love to hear from y’all again.

Sorry for the long-ass post. Thanks.
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I know I came down hard on you man but I never said you were hopeless. I did say trying to give you advice was useless and went on a rant about how you wouldn’t take the advice you were being given. Even though I don’t agree with your use of Winni as a beginner as it really is a more dangerous steroid than most people think and I have zero clue about why you chose 2 long esters of test lol, your progress is nothing short of awesome. You’re obviously putting in the work and trying to adhere to a plan. You’re eating the best way you know how and training with a coach. All good things to your progression. Keep up the hard work. Doesn’t matter how much gear you use, put in the work on nutrition and fitness and you’ll continue to make gains.

I will say this much though. Your post along with some others I’ve read over the last few days has made me decide to write a new thread to our members. I’ll be sure to tag those members when I get around to making the post.
Well hello there. Welcome back. First and foremost. If I knew your weight issue, I would have suggested a huge diet increase and protein before the cycle. Also more volume training in prep for the cycle. I don’t even recommend cycles to brothers unless they have at least 5 years in the gym and a great base to start with. Remember to log everything. To included water intake. Now here’s the pointers. Drop. The. Winstrol. You don’t need it since you have weight gaining desire. That will come much later. Like 5 years down the road or more.
You won’t feel that test for another week or so. And like I said. For me it usually noticed in week 4 with me. You since this is your first ride, probably week 3 it will feel strength. Diet. If you can push that thing up to 4500. Increase your protein intake too. For you. I’d run 150 grams a day MINIMUM. this will thicken you up quick on test. And finally. DROP. THE. WINSTROL. you don’t need it. And it’s hard on your body. More than just liver. Keeps us posted. Keep that log. And good gains to you.
Welcome back Spencer. Sorry we got a little bit frustrated with you before but it’s because we care. We just want you to listen and I really hope you get what you want out of this cycle and get a long running boost to your health. A lot of these guys have been doing this for a long time so when they say something in unison, I think you should take a moment to listen. Drop the winny and dial in the nutrition and training. Do your lab work and keep an eye on your liver, cholesterol and BP. Good luck. I hope you don’t have any hard feelings either.
I know I came down hard on you man but I never said you were hopeless. I did say trying to give you advice was useless and went on a rant about how you wouldn’t take the advice you were being given. Even though I don’t agree with your use of Winni as a beginner as it really is a more dangerous steroid than most people think and I have zero clue about why you chose 2 long esters of test lol, your progress is nothing short of awesome. You’re obviously putting in the work and trying to adhere to a plan. You’re eating the best way you know how and training with a coach. All good things to your progression. Keep up the hard work. Doesn’t matter how much gear you use, put in the work on nutrition and fitness and you’ll continue to make gains.
I will say this much though. Your post along with some others I’ve read over the last few days has made me decide to write a new thread to our members. I’ll be sure to tag those members when I get around to making the post.
Well hello there. Welcome back. First and foremost. If I knew your weight issue, I would have suggested a huge diet increase and protein before the cycle. Also more volume training in prep for the cycle. I don’t even recommend cycles to brothers unless they have at least 5 years in the gym and a great base to start with. Remember to log everything. To included water intake. Now here’s the pointers. Drop. The. Winstrol. You don’t need it since you have weight gaining desire. That will come much later. Like 5 years down the road or more.
You won’t feel that test for another week or so. And like I said. For me it usually noticed in week 4 with me. You since this is your first ride, probably week 3 it will feel strength. Diet. If you can push that thing up to 4500. Increase your protein intake too. For you. I’d run 150 grams a day MINIMUM. this will thicken you up quick on test. And finally. DROP. THE. WINSTROL. you don’t need it. And it’s hard on your body. More than just liver. Keeps us posted. Keep that log. And good gains to you.
Welcome back Spencer. Sorry we got a little bit frustrated with you before but it’s because we care. We just want you to listen and I really hope you get what you want out of this cycle and get a long running boost to your health. A lot of these guys have been doing this for a long time so when they say something in unison, I think you should take a moment to listen. Drop the winny and dial in the nutrition and training. Do your lab work and keep an eye on your liver, cholesterol and BP. Good luck. I hope you don’t have any hard feelings either.
This is probably my fault for not properly clarifying, but I am no longer using winstrol. Was never really using winny. After my post I started using DBOL but also felt that wasn’t necessary either, so I ended up only using the testo.
That was a good call man. Keep up the hard work and even if you think we are jerks or assholes, we are just assholes that care so feel free to seek out information and advice if you need it. As you saw, it may not be what you want to hear but at least know that it comes from people that legitimately just want to help each other.
Yeah. I was gonna comment about that. I know you guys were being harsh but I think it shows how much you know and how much you guys care. I was being sort of stubborn and convinced myself I could handle anabolic steroids on my first cycle, but luckily I decided against it after all the comments I got-- so in a way, your feedback helped me.

Thanks for that.
Hallelujah!!! Test first cycle!! Now get them calorie intake up. Good protein clean carbs is fine for you. Start slinging steel. Good luck.
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You very well could have handled the orals but the question is at what cost? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is a turtle race man. Mitigate your risks for not just health but longevity in the game. Dont take unnessecary risks and you’ll get pretty far. Or do and you could end up dead. That’s the harsh reality of what we do.

Example: I’m highly experienced and knowledgeable in AAS. I’ve been doing this for quite awhile and I know my shit. I was debating on using something that I knew was probably the most dangerous thing we can use and I deliberated on it for weeks before ultimately deciding the risk was too great and deciding not to do it. Again because if you don’t fully know and understand these compounds and what they can do to you, you can die.
Yeah, health was originally my main concern but I think as I started learning more and expecting more from the stuff I was buying, I also started becoming more greedy/selfish about what gains I wanted to see. I let that cloud my judgement temporarily and I see how you guys could get frustrated over watching that. Glad you guys stopped me.
However it came about I’m glad you’re taking it slow now and just running the test. You’re still young and there’s plenty of time for you to grow and learn and try new things.

Like TBU said, take advantage of this first cycle and throw all the calories you can into it. Don’t worry about keeping a tight physique and a 6 pack. You can diet all that in later. Right now just keep your fats low and throw in every gram of carbs and protein you can stuff down your face every day for the next 10 to 12 weeks. It will be worth it for sure.
You get different advice from everyone because that’s really how it is everyone is different. There are common things that people do that work for them but possibly not for others.

Im glad that you got going and at 2wks you’re about to really get going now.

After reading this you can contact me anytime and I will help you.
2 week report for first cycle Steroid Cycles and Discussion
Yeah. I was gonna comment about that. I know you guys were being harsh but I think it shows how much you know and how much you guys care. I was being sort of stubborn and convinced myself I could handle anabolic steroids on my first cycle, but luckily I decided against it after all the comments I got-- so in a way, your feedback helped me. Thanks for that.
Good luck and good gains brother I hope that you keep logging because I would like to hear about your first cycle and how it goes.