2nd Cycle- Masteron Dosage

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What’s up guys-

Have my second cycle line up after a nice touchdown from This will be my first time introducing a 2nd compound. Debated between NPP, the joint relief intrigued me, and it’s versatility for cuts/bulls. Figured I’d wait on the 19-nor till I’m a bit more experienced as it seems to shut you down pretty hard and I’m cycling on/off.

My test only cycle was great, few hiccups with taking too much ai set me back early but I really hit my stride around week 9-10. I started at 200, was up t about 219 at my heaviest, and I’m walking around at ~210 right now. I gained a ton of strength, felt great, put on some fat though. I was eating a shitload of carbs which I adjusted, but for the first time in years I got a little stomach fat and my abs aren’t really showing through.

So for this test cycle I’m looking to harden the fuck up. Whether I lose weight or stay the same I really don’t care. I want to look cut.

So masteron seems like a great option. I plan to have calories at ~3000. Lifting routine will remain the same, nice to be back in a real fuckin gym might I add.
1-16 500mg Test E/wk
6-16 300mg Mast E/ wk
Adex and aromasin on hand but I learned the hard way from taking these too early before. Will only use of sides present.
HCG 250iu 2xweek

Can you guys share your experiences with Mast E? Seems like overall very well tolerated, feel good compound. Will be watching the hairline like a fuckin hawk though!
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I like mast, helps libido for me, and I get like a rock,hard and tight, it compliments my lean physique, and if your diet it right it should pay off well for cuttin you up. How tall are you? As you said your gonna adjust your carbs. You admitted to fuckin up with the AI and I’m sure it sucked, so maybe like me I don’t always need a ai or you need a low dose. Most will say start low and work your way up,but I don’t see why you shouldn’t start mast at 400 and work up.
I use .5 twice a week adex,with certain cycles, although mast n test wouldn’t be one. I’d like to add that proviron has similar benefits of mast,slight AI similarities, it drys and hardens for me
I have taken masteron both esters, I do know it depends on what all you are taking.

I really really like Winnie though and you can take orally, it also may be cheaper depending on dosage

Also @NeuroRN turned me on to an ephedra, caffeine, aspirin blend that is meant to burn fat, sort of like clen, if loosing the fat, interests you instead of the drying compounds.
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