6 week Bloods are IN! Help please


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Can anyone help me out here as I’m not too keen on reading these? But I’m doing my part and making sure I get them done.

Taking 500 mg Test E per week. Bloods were taken during week 7. Today was first pin of week 8. How do my levels look? More importantly, is there a need for ADex? SIDE NOTE. I believe I didn’t get a full 10 weeks worth as it looks like I only have enough for my second week 8 pin. Not sure if this changes my need for ADex if there is any. I have no sensitivity or side effects that would lead me to think I need it but I’m far from being an expert. Let me know what you think. THANKS!!!

Definitely could use some Adex. Everyone will respond different. I’d say start at .25mg 2x week and increase to .5mg 2x week if need. But sounds like you may be winding down your cycle? If so my be worth hammering the E2 down a bit and go .5 2x week heading into PCT
Your blood sugar is also high normal. For some reason I believe @NeuroRN said that’s not abnormal on cycle… i might be wrong. Maybe he’ll ring in.
Fasting glucose is high. Def want to keep an eye on that. I think it depends on what your taking. But test only should improve insulin sensitivity I believe. I’m kinda foggy this evening but nothing is immediately coming to mind as to why sugar will be higher on cycle. (Doesn’t mean it’s not true)
Repeating why others have said,
Definitely need adex
Need to donate blood ASAP
Fasting glucose is high and test alone should not cause that.
What do you bar for PCT? Need HCG or clomid, nolv. Your FDH AND LH are super low but that’s normal with gear. Just get on it post cycle.
What are your lipids like? I didn’t see those
You mentioned those being high before and I have not been able to get it checked yet but since it’s the same a few months later, I definitely have to get it checked
Nono got tested a few months back off cycle and it was the same and you advised me to get it checked as it was possible diabetes