8 weeks in Test C/EQ cycle...my standard go to combo

Haven’t really mentioned this much in other threads, but am back in the game and right about at 8 weeks of Test C500 mg/week, EQ 700 mg/week. It has all really kicked in these past couple weeks. I’m planning to go to push out to 16 weeks. I’ve got my blood test kit from what has been recommended here using the UG discount so will see how everything is looking. Planning to do Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 100/100/50/50 per day for those 4 weeks. Previously, it’s been awhile and did PCT a bit different and just used Nolva. Is it now most recommended to do both at the same time?

Also I’ve been reading a lot about Var and Proviron, and am curious if adding it in for the latter half of this run to help me harden up a bit at the end. I’m currently really getting back in the game so I started at a higher BF than I typically would (roughly 18% which is higher than I ever have been but wanted to really kickstart this body composition change). I’ve been tracking my weight as well as BF%, muscle mass%, and water weight% using a scale that estimates it through BIA. Dropped about 12 lbs, but muscle mass is significantly increasing while dropping a few % points in BF. BP is fairly under control ~135/78 (systolic is higher than baseline but is fairly normal if taking anything). Had a full metabolic panel done about a month ago and all were good.

Another question, my limited cycle experience typically has been the same combo of Test C/EQ as it has really worked well for me. I used to kickstart with dbol for the 1st 4 weeks but now that I recently hit 40 I’m being cautious with using orals like that. My goal is to have good size but leaned up as much as possible (to me just under 10% is when the 6 pack really shows up). Thoughts on time off after this one ends including PCT? Though it will be tight on time and usually like to equal time on to time off, but am considering a short 8 week cycle that will get me to my goal at mid July.

Should I keep this combination or switch things up to maybe a blend of different tests like sustanon or use a short acting test like prop with Var or proviron for this short cycle? Any suggestions will be much appreciated. I plan to take a few months off starting in August to get everything back to normal.
Test is test… only difference is ester and half life. So if you are thinking about changing you’re not going to see a difference.
If you found something that works well for you stick to it , continue the road ahead rather that go off course and experiment.
Adding more compounds will only cause more stress on the body and possibly side effects. For the amount of things you would want to add such as prov. I feel like the results won’t be that much greater than the cycle you are on already…
What @Nacville said. Run your cycle to completion, document and record everything. Next cycle look at running different compounds. But if it’s working let it work. I’m not a fan of throwing other compounds in a cycle. Stay the course. Next round look into other types and record. I look at my logs all the time and run what gave me the best growth and overall size I was looking for. Sounds like things are going well so far for your cycle. 😁
I would add the proviron the whole time, it will compliment the rest of your cycle,its a week oral and it’s not like your doing a huge cycle and adding in 1 oral that’s proviron isn’t to much
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Thanks everyone! The reason I was thinking about switching to a short acting test ester was if my next cycle which would be a short 8 weeks, was thinking it would help with quicker utilization of test since it’s usually about 4 weeks before Test E or C really kicks in. For what I’m currently running I was only considering adding Var or proviron, which I won’t do and will consider using that for the next longer cycle probably in the fall. I also believe if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. 🙂 after thinking about it more I may stretch the current cycle an extra couple weeks instead, PCT, then break for awhile.

For PCT, is the dosing regimen I listed above using Nolva/clomid adequate for 4 weeks starting ~1 week after last pin? I’ve seen others add in hcg, but not sure if it’s needed. In the past I just used Nolva and bounce back pretty quickly with a similar cycle.