A Little Reminder About YOUR Blood Labs


Staff member
This is not pointed at any one individual and I’ve been guilty also.

Guys/gals…we all need to educate ourselves on our own lab work as best as we can. This is our health and well being AND we are the captains of our ship.

It usually takes a quick google search for the general parameters of any particular marker.

As I stated above; human bio markers and the synergy of the human organism is not my chosen field of (professional) study. I can tell you all about the theory and inner workings of the complicated machinery I deal with on a daily basis…for the past ~40 years. When it comes to my personal health, I’ve got to put in the work. I admittedly have to readdress many things on my labs (5-8 a year) to stay on top of everything. My pcp is excellent as well as y’all for explaining things I just can’t see for whatever reason.

I get it… everyone has a thousand things on their minds…family, required knowledge for your profession…etc etc.
I would suggest that if you have questions about your personal lab work…to go ahead and post the actual results. Redact all personal info. But that’s what helps me get some help from everyone here. More than once there’s been an obscure marker that has triggered an more important marker.

Just gave 1/2 dozen vials this morning for my scheduled quarterly (fasted I hate) labs so all this is at the front of my mind.
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I’m thankful I got an awesome PCP & TRT doc now. Took me years to find them!! Also a nurse practitioner in family. Seems like there’s a lot of folks that struggle to get support and accurate information from docs as I have in past. Keep trying new docs till you find a winner.
@Stretch22 makes a perfect point.

We and everyone else needs to treat our medical providers as a commodity… paying good money for services rendered.

If we don’t think we’re getting our money’s worth…walk away. Shop around… like for a new car, haircut, groceries etc.
I couldn’t agree more . You posting this is some timing for me . I been in the hospital since Christmas Day . Had emergency surgery that morning with a ruptured cyst . I went sepsis and got ecoli virus and almost damn near died . Been on home health for another few weeks and I’ll be back hopefully. I’ve finally got insurance so I told the dr I want a full labs done and for them to recommend me to a dr . My plan is to not pin for 3 weeks prior to blood work and see where I am . I pined 75 mg test c this week I usually do 2x a week . After this scare I want to get a legit script from a dr not some trt clinic and hopefully have a little better luck ! The drs both seemed cool when I spoke to him about my gear usage and wanting to now get everything dialed in . So I’ll have blood work done in a few weeks and will see !
Yeah I actually know of two people who passed from it last yr … definitely an eye opener! One min I’m proposing to girl trying to complete our family and the next min I’m waking up in the ER with dr in damn hazmat suits damn near trying to save me . I definitely got lucky and I never want to play that luck game again lol … thanks dirt 🙏💪
Everyone please go to the dr for annual visits on top of your bloodwork getting done for this lifestyle bc you can be getting all your stuff done correctly but only for monitoring your gear protocols and next thing you know you have something like in my case that I blew off bc it was just minor pain at the beginning of the yr and ended up becoming something life threatening. Lucky I like to say I know my body and that morning when I felt that pain I knew it was serious and I rushed to the ER ! Sorry for hi jacking the post Poppy enough about me I’m alive that’s all that matters ! Lol
We have been together for 14 yrs a piece of paper saying you’re legally together didn’t matter to us ! But when I have my little girls asking are you and mommy going to get married that did something to me and in order to have my family complete I new it was time to be done . She’s so hard to surprise and I was able to pull it off without here even noticing! It’s was priceless