About to pull the trigger for my 2020 stack any thoughts?

So I’m looking at SymBiotec labs for my next cycle this is what what i have in mind their
Test MASS 500 - (test en300, deca200mg/ml)
Bold EQ 250 - (Boldenone undecylenate 250mg/ml)

1 ML 2 times a week of each for weeks 1-12

Test e 300 - (Test enanthate 300mg/ml)
1 ml 2 times a week for weeks 12-14

Previously I used deca and test e with adex and nolva

SymBiotec doesn’t sell adex so I’m looking at aromasin and nolva any advice on the change like dose and effectiveness of it and things to watch for with eq or reasons not to stack with deca
Welcome. Tell us about yourself. Like @TG said. Me,. I’d be just running the Test Mass solo. It is a stack in its self. And a mass stack if that is you goals.
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I agree with @TG no need to mix deca and eq. I also wouldn’t run aromasin and nolvadex together. You will kill your estrogen. The body needs it. I’d do
Nolvadex at 10mg a day.

When asking for advice give us a little bit of a background. We know nothing about you and you’re asking for advice from complete strangers.
I’m 31 6’ 220lb I got out of the gym for 3 year been back at it for 2 years. I’ve done 3 cycles before test and deca is all I’ve done won’t be running aromasin and nolva at the same time aromasin for ai during cycle and nolva afterwards I’ve done test deca stack before was thinking of adding eq for the recovery and strength gains thanks for your input @TG @TBU and @PHD
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