Anabolics and antidepressants

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Would taking testosterone and AIs/SERMs cause any bad reactions with venlafaxine (Effexor)? I read somewhere that it can make SERMs less effective
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@Youts alot goes into it from a science back ground but with males its not so much of a big worry. Now with females that can be an slippery slope.

Just want to be sure its not a female we are discussing.
I take Bupropion XL, I’ve never even thought of whether or not test or anything else has an effect on it… damn
@Ags43z of course, sorry for the delay very hectic day.

Since we are talking males it isnt that big of a change from a hormone balance perspective. Just want to make sure to check levels throughout any cycle to find the correct level of stability.

I would also recommend arimidex at 1mg split bi weekly. This will be plently as depending on blood work.

My main concern was if we are talking a female patient you could completely surpress estrogen and tank all levels. Which would be a horrible feeling.

Please let me know if this helps.
just figured this out. I’ve been personally doing alot of reading on this due to my heart palpitations and severe headaches.

19nors affect saratonin output and an ssri like prozac also does the same thing, but in a different way. It in lamens terms doesn’t let your brain use your saratonin at as effectively as without it, which causes lowered anxiety and a more stable mood.
When taking them both together its a double whammy.
Saratonin signals blood vessel dilation. So does a triptan like Maxalt.
Which is why when you have sex, or weight train the sudden swelling of cranial vessels causes extreme pain in the head.
My guess is the nerves in the skull area are not use to flexing around the vessels anymore. Maxalt becomes more efficient at knocking out this pain as the 19nor leaves the system because it works by constricting said vessels.
If one were to continue running both drugs you’d likely run into saratonin syndrome which according to web MD is pretty serious. I hope this helps someone who has these symtoms out there.
I’ve been chasing this rabbit a long damn time.
Yes in theory, keep in mind,no pun intended, were talking brain chemistry, its going to be very individualistic. If you ever want to run a 19nor id bet you’ll know if your someone that can very soon. Id do a short ester if that was my concern, so I could get off quickly. But other than the severe symtons. They are benign
But I’m a farmer not a doc. 😁
@Sig516 glad you did this research, I wasn’t planning on running a 19 nor but it’s good to be aware of regardless. Did you see any similar effects with testosterone? I wouldn’t think you would since it’s a hormone already produced in the body
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