

Well-known member
Pretty sure I am going to be jump starting my future DHB run with @Ukgear anadrol inject that everyone is loving.

Wanna hear any and all feedback about anadrol (oral or injectable but please say which). What did you like? What didn’t you like? How long did you run and what dose? What kind of gains did you make? Literally, anything you can share.

I’ve never ran a true bulker compound before. I’ll be coming off of a cruise (in about 6 weeks) and calories will be sky high ready to put on some solid mass. Interested to hear what kind of gains I can expect with diet and training on point. I plan to run it 4 weeks I think at 25mg/day. Probably run some nolva alongside it to prevent the mysterious gyno people seem to talk about from it.
lol sorry bro. I think alot of people are busy is all. Ive used it but its been years. I had a great cycle running that and cyp. I honestly dont remember my dosages since I dont bulk as much anymore. @PHD should have more input.
Hey sorry bro I’ve been slammed. Working 20 straight hours and now killing quads. Making them big. I’ve never used it. I had lots of friends that did and they loved it especially good for site injection.
Hahahahah well 3 days a week 😂😂😂😂😂 one day in going to get @TG to workout
With me we will kill it
I love anadrol. I have run it with several cycles, bulking and cutting! Yes, you read right, I used it during my cut to help me remain Fuller looking. I used Anastrozole 0.5mg EOD. I have run it at Max 8 weeks. I have also simply used it in two week blasts. 2 weeks on, 2 off.
What I dislike is the horrible acne I get, it’s almost cystic in nature…I also dislike the effects on my LFTs. But that’s the nature of the compound.
I will absolutely use it again.
I forgot to add that I love for my orals to come in tab form so I can reduce the dose easily. I have 50mg tabs. I run 25mg daily split dosed. The gains we’re fast. If memory serves me correctly, I put on almost 3 pounds before the end of 2 weeks. I am more than pleased with how fully my muscles are when I run this!
I know this thread is old as hell but I’m gonna ask anyway. Is there a way to limit or prevent the bloat associated with this compound? If I’ve read correctly it doesn’t convert and if that’s true where does the bloat come from?
Would caber prevent the estrogen in like sides?
Caber is a dopamine agonists I think I got that right it’s not for estrogen. The thought is anadrol some reacts with estrogen receptors but they don’t have real science to back it. I’ve never had issues with it.
The more I read the more I think estrogen bloat isn’t as common as we think. Estrogen plays some role in sodium retention, but all AAS interact with angiotensin in a way that causes water retention and increased BP.

I’ve never taken anadrol but I’m positive it affect angiotensin and if you block those receptors you would have less bloat and lower BP.