Anavar everyday on or off cycle

Idk why the focus is always on the liver, I’ve honestly never heard of any guys that have liver failure unless they are using other drugs or drink heavily. Have any of you guys?

Anavar is mild on the liver, yes. It’s true. One of the reasons is that it’s not mainly metabolized by the liver. It’s metabolized by the kidney. It’s not mild on the kidney, they will fuck your kidneys up. How do I know, I did this shit. Stayed on var for 16 weeks, some times up to 100mg. My liver profiles came out fine. My kidney’s got shot.

I had acute kidney failure, fucked with my potassium. I had muscle weakness randomly and even paralysis because my muscles couldn’t contract without potassium.

One of the best things about var is that it dramatically increases nitrogen retention, making it an amazing cutting drug to keep muscle while cutting. It’s anabolic nature of increasing high nitrogen retention for solid muscle is very taxing on the kidneys. It’s your kidney that has to do all the work when that happens.

And likely most guys BP will elevate, maybe not in the high or dangererous range, but I’ve rarely heard of guys on a cycle that’s not on the higher end of “normal” BP. Very rare unless you run something very mild, are genetically gifted, really have cardio on point, or take something to lower it. Higher BP is also very hard on the kidneys.

All of this is what will get your kidneys before your liver. It’s not going to be one thing, it’s multi factorial. A elevated BP in the “normal” range isn’t bad normally, but it is if your kidneys are already working on overdrive. Higher nitrogen retention probably won’t get you by itself very quickly, but it will if var needs to be metabolized by the kidneys as well and you have higher BP working the kidneys.
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