Anavar throughout cycle?

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Well-known member
What’s up gentleman so I had a question about extended use of anavar.

What’s the most people have tried and were there any notable side effects?

I tried superdrol to start my 600 Test 450 NPP cycle, but could only handle 2 weeks before the lethargy was too much.

Overall I’ve felt great once I dropped the superdrol, but was thinking about adding anavar, which I have always responded well to.

Any suggestions?

Previous experiences with it have been positive as both a starter and finisher at about 50mg split daily.

I’m about three weeks into my third cycle overall doing great
50mg is where you should start taxing the liver. A rep that used to be here would run it at 100mg a week for 8 weeks… but he also “cruised” on tren so I wouldn’t recommend following his dosing.

50mg 8 weeks. 10 weeks if you wanna push it. Hydrate like a MF.
Awe yes he pointed me the way of some great compounds. And had I started this game earlier I may have been year round on worse ahit than him
I didn’t like it at all but I have to give it another go as I wasn’t doing things like I should have been at the time
Yeah I have to say the only real side I get from anavar are the back pumps, which makes it mildly annoying when I do my powerlifting routine lol
Just make sure you’re hydrating… it’s tough on the kidneys as well. I shoot for 2 gal a day when taking Var.
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