Any favorites for domestic Primo


Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Just wondering if anyone had any favorite domestic labs for Primobolan? Was looking to order Dragon 200MG from naps unless anyone has any other experience.
Thank you in advance.
Separate note anyone ever have issues on Parbolan? Just got my labs and Lipids shit the bed. LDL thru the roof and HDL in the toilet. I obviously stopped immediately
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There are a few good domestics on here for Primo. Throw a dart lol.

As for the Parabolan… have you ever run Tren before? If so did you ever notice a difference in your lipids from the different esters? Ive never run Hex before but Tren does tend to have some nasty lipid effects for most people. I have run Ace and Enanthate and my lipids weren’t near as bad as some I’ve seen.
@Ironside haha, thanks. Yes, I’ve run tren and had no issues other than a cough immediately following injection. Very strange but the only other thing I’m using is Test E @250 per week
What dosage were you using and for how long? I’m curious how the ester has effected your lipid profiles so drastically compared to other esters.
I think each cc is 76mg have to double check. Was EOD for 3 weeks. I’m waiting a few weeks and getting re tested, switched to primo 450 per week. Pissed because I have 12weeks of para
Man that is a pretty normal dose too. I intend to run Hex after my next blast so I’m hoping i don’t experience the same.
Yeah, good luck. Let me know if you need any I can’t use mine.
I don’t know why i didn’t think of this before but i was just talking in another thread about 19nor and Arimadex then remembered your post.

Were you running Arimadex with your Tren?
Oh i was asking about Kad1 because his lipids were all jacked up using Hex and i thought it might be due to using Adex with the Hex.

Then you edited your post haha
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Ill probably have a MI tonight but unless your genetically predisposition is plaque then in short term(5 years) I wouldnt be putting the stuff in garbage yet. Its kinda a crap shoot long term like me:skull: but when i was off for three years…no trt , nothing. My HDL was like 45-50///vldl low, Ldl low, total low triglycerides low…I was only 10 years old …but…im seeing a bunch of people being 100% noncompliant and so many covering their bases. Its a lot to do with inflammatory process…the medical capitalists seem to lower levels anyway on markers so everyone in the USA is on a statin . i have very little or no evidence based research to back that up. A couple tough cycles wont hurt:smiling_imp:🙀
I’m going for some more extensive test to see what my cardiac risk actually is. Calcium scan etc
I also forgot that he is running a promo on another forum and he is probably behind on answering but I just messaged him directly
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I’ve reached out 3x via email. Have not been able to order yet. They did respond about payment I replied Bitcoin and that was it. No response since. I’ll try again maybe went to spam
Just sent another email.

please be careful with information shared in the public eye
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