Anyone ever do the stuff?

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I did one along with my wife. It was fairly accurate in that I’m mostly Western European (Irish and German, and it broke my Lebanese down to ottoman and Levant with very little actual Arab.

My wife and her twin sister came back as both siblings and mother daughter, as well as our oldest daughter who did one came back both mother/daughter with her aunt and sisters with her aunt…
My family is from north west India in Punjab region

The test said I was 91% Persian and 9% North Indian

My father has blue eyes so it makes sense, and Pakistan used to be part of Punjab long ago

I would say that’s accurate but idk how accurate the % are and for what 100$? I feel there’s more accurate ways but they would cost a lot more money. But it’s not bad
I kind of liked seeing the melting pot of shit I am when it comes to western and Central European. Wasn’t too thrilled to find out I had 1% each Yemenite and Ashkanazi Jew, but knowing where my family is from does not surprise me.
I did it a few years ago with a fake name. It is technically against the rules to use a fake name - but I’m glad I did it. I don’t have time or desire to deal with long-lost 2nd and 3rd cousins who want to reconnect - and besides, I don’t want the FBI pinning the Lindberg baby on me.
The Government already has my DNA. Took a blood drop on paper and a mouth swab a while back “just in case” for remains confirmation. You know. If I was blown to bits. I always joked, I would be cloned for the clone wars and there would be a division of me in the future. 🤣. Or I’d just be a POG. 🤣😂🤣
Samo samo…for civilians going over the pond on a rapid response team.
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