Anyone tried Var from Flash?


Well-known member
Recently interested in Var from Flash, just wondered if anyone has tried it and what you ran it with if anything. Mainly looking to cut mid fat for summer and quality muscle that I can maintain after cycle.
I love it. I had some other Var I think was ABOMBS not Var. Pushed my BP. Through the roof. Was kind of leery of trying it but the @Flashlabs Var is great! I like the results. I posted a pic of me on it at the 51/2 week point. Has given me a bit of a nice dried out look without any real effort.
Well I heard if you pin a gram of test a week and take 100mg of Var a day, all you need to do is eat doughnuts and drink Grape drink and you will get big as a house! No need to even lift a weight! Honest. Pure bro science!
Outfuckingstanding, I will get right on that, but Do you think have I could switch out the 100mg of var for a 100mg of SuperD?