Are we aloud to ask if certain sources are fake and certain brands are bunk

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Dont know if we can just outright post it yet. Relatively new. If not someone msg me if u feel u can help. An acquaintance of mine put me onto a site and one day i got a hair up my ass and placed a low price order. I dont see what he would gain from pointing me to them and he’s pretty yoked. Any way, A certain brand i wanna ask about if anyone has experience w em. New to this world and really about to dive in and very interested in the hgh. Thoughts of running test e at the same time from the same source as well.
You’re not going to get much support on here from outside sponsors or any input if they are good or bad. We try not to poke sponsors in the eye but direct members to contact them directly, and if there is no response, @Bigmurph usually then gets involved. There is a great job vetting her and also helping members and why who’s on here is legit. So for me I don’t use anyone outside UGM and I’ve yet to be disappointed. 😁
Yea I cant say if its fake or not yet but some things i noticed make me wonder. I’ll know more once i try it because there is some signs to look for (from what I’ve read anyway). but my injection kit w the bac water is still in the mail. But yea i ordered from a source outside of this site as i just found this site a day or 2 ago while i was researching. Anyway i ordered hgh and the brand is called parapharma. Shit didn’t get real for me til the package showed up lol so i been on a reading spree. I have Seen a cpl lab tests on here since i posted this question tho lol it was the same brand but test not HGH and i guess it was pretty close. Things that concerned me tho is one of the packages was sealed w little gold stickers and the other pack was not. In the one pack w no stickers if u look closely at the caps a cpl are lopsided. I read that it doesn’t nescisarily mean its fake but hgh in 10 iu vials are all generic just repackaged in a way that they could lose potency or even allow bacteria to grow. Has anyone had negative experience w parapharma in particular?
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